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*Maisey's Pov*

When Frank walked in, he stood by my body with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed.

Looking up at him, my eyes filled with tears as I let out loud sobs and tried reaching out to him but he smacked my hand away.

"Pl-please." I cried.

"Get up. I'll take you to the hospital." He said as she carelessly scrolled through his phone.

"I need help." I said to him as he went to walk away.

"No. Get up."

"Frank, please. I can barely breathe let alone stand."

"Get. Up."

Dropping my head, I used one hand to push myself up while the other was wrapped around my stomach like I was ready to catch my organs. Moving onto my knees, I pushed myself to my feet and slowly stood, wobbling all over the place. The second I took a step, I dropped to the floor, my knees feeling like they had shattered from the impact.

"I said, get up!" Frank screamed as I used every bit of strength left in me to stand.

Dragging my feet along the floor, I began moving towards Frank but as I reached a hand out, he brought his fist up, smacking me in the face.

My vision blurred as I watched Frank's figure walk away and towards the door.

"Meet me in the car." He said, turning to face me.

Pulling myself to my feet, I staggered towards the door, letting out loud gasps and cries as I went. When I finally reached the door, I swung it open and leant my body against it, my eyes bawling with tears.

I hate my life.

Why do they do this?

Beat me till I can barely breathe and then leave me. Just finish me off. It's like I'm a deer and they are angry wolves, toying with their prey before killing it.

I'm not prey. I'm more than that. I'm strong.

I'm stronger than they'll ever be because I'd never willingly hit someone till they're nearly dead.

I fight because I have to.

Because I...I have...

I don't want to fight anymore.

It's not fun.

I hate it and I hate who I am.

I know I say I do this because it's my life but Amelia was right. Everyone has a choice and Joey made his. Now, I need to make mine.

Launching myself forward, I let out a loud gasp as my ribs connected with the car but I didn't care. I was so close.

Pulling the door open, I threw myself into the car, letting out a scream and banging on the window as Frank drove off. His friends, Rick and Gerald, laughing maniacally as they both reached out to me.

Grasping the seat in front of me, I let out a silent cry as my body keeled over from the pain. Placing my hand over my stomach, I felt the small gap under my fingertips. Spewing long threads of crimson red ribbon, that spilled over my fingertips and stained my clothes like coffee.

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