Hey, I know you!

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When I finally peeled my eyes open again, Kage and Diaz were no longer there. Three medics were dealing with some guy but one stopped to look over at me.

"Hey, she's awake guys." He said and slowly approached.

"What the hell did you do?" I snapped.

"Saved your life. Not even a thank you?"

"You burned me."

Frank soon walked in, in his ridiculous costume. He looked me over once and then did it again before he dragged me through the crowd, roughly placing my mask on my face.

Slamming the door open, he pulled me out of the barn like I was a naughty child and pushed me to the ground.

"Take the mask off."

"Frank?" I asked as I pulled myself up from the boggy floor, my hands covered in mud. "I can't. We've been told we can't."

"And I say you can. Remove the goddamn mask!"

Jumping out of my skin, my shaking hands reached up to my face and pulled the mask off. Angry was an understatement. Red hot smoke was pouring out of his ears as he ground his teeth together. My legs moved for me and took me closer to barn.

One hard punch to the face and I was on my hands and knees again, wishing I had just won the fight.

"Get up," He demanded. "Every time I hit you, you will stand back up, ready to take another one. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Coach." I said as tears started to fill my eyes.

After five punches, I could barely stand, let alone see. Coughing loudly, I followed Frank's eyes as he stared at the guy who had walked out of the barn door.

Dressed in fully black, he held a knife in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. Throwing the knife around in his hand, he looked towards us. His eyes trailed over my face and then to my body, making me hug my stomach.

"Do you mind?" Snapped Frank.

"Nah, not really. You know, you're supposed to keep your mask on. It was one of the rules." Said the guy as he nodded towards me.

I wasn't scared of him or Frank. The only thought going through my mind was Antonio and how worried he must be. Kage and the team were worried, obviously but the case came first. They had to keep their eyes on Frank, which they clearly weren't doing very well considering I was alone with him outside.

The man let out a sigh as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and then a lighter. He looked over at us again. "These things make me so stressed, so I'm just going to turn around. You guys can carry on. I don't care."

Frank swung for me as I was on my way up, my face splashing in the mud, making me heave as it filled my mouth.

"You're a fucking disgrace." Said Frank as he left me there.

The second the door slammed shut, the man dropped his cigarette and ran over to me, helping me sit up. Reaching up, he removed his mask and placed it on the ground as he stared at me.

His features were very distinct, the scar by his eyebrow and the sharp cheekbones that could cut through walls. Placing my shaking hands on his face, my eyes softened as a smile grew on my lips.

"I know you. You're the cop."

He took a step back at my statement but his eyes looked guilty like he knew what I was talking about.

"I...I don't know-"

"Maisey Campbell. That's me. You're that cop who gave me the Teddy bear."

"I'm not who you think I am." He said and went to walk away.

Broken Promises (Chicago PD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang