The Truth

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*Antonio's Pov*

Hank is a selfish prick. He wants to solve this case as soon as possible but doesn't care about the consequences. She put her life on the line to save me. He should've let me go but instead he and the others helped sedate me so I wouldn't wreck the case and then they locked me in the cage like I was a criminal. I didn't realise it was a crime to have feelings and emotions.

The world is fucking messed up.

When I was finally let go, I launched for Jay, wrapping my hands around his jacket collar. He drove that vehicle and he could've stopped it at anytime but he didn't.

"Get off!" He shouted as we wrestled each other to the ground.

Kevin ran in and grabbed me, throwing me against one of the trucks before he checked on Jay.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He said in his South Side accent.

"Are you kidding me? She could be dead right now and we wouldn't know because he didn't stop the van. You helped sedate me. The only other person that cared, was Kim and you shut her down, Jay. You did!"

"I don't like the way Hank dealt with it but you heard her. She told us to go. If we stayed, god knows what would've happened to her as punishment. We take down Frank, then what?"

"Well I...I don't know but-"

"Exactly. You haven't thought ahead, Antonio. It doesn't stop with Frank; we don't know if he is or isn't the leader. Maybe he is and maybe it'll stop or maybe it'll carry on. More teens lose their lives and then we're still chasing. Trying to save more kids, who don't want help."

"But we could save her. We could start with Maisey."

"Maisey knows this thing off by heart. You take her out and we don't get anything."

"So she suffers for our benefit?" I asked with a laugh but it lacked humour.

"If she wanted out, she'd ask for it." Said Hank as he joined us.

"Don't even start." I said as I looked at him.

"Maisey got dropped off at the hospital. She was stabbed." Said Hank.

"If I was there, I could've stopped it. I could've saved her."

"She didn't want it, Antonio!" Shouted Hank as he grabbed my arm when I went to storm out.

"No! You don't want it because this case is the only thing that's important to you. Nothing else. Not her safety. Not any of the fighters safety." I snapped back.

Tightening his grip on my arm, he looked at me with a stern expression, telling me to stay put. Shaking him off, I pushed him backwards again and again until his back hit the cage.

"Don't touch me and stay the hell away from Maisey." I said.

"Antonio, don't do this." He warned.

Without another word, I got into my car and drove to the hospital. When I pulled up, some guy was splashing water along the pavement, trying to get rid of a permanent red stain. Crouching down to get a better look, I soon realised it was a trail of blood, which turned my stomach, making me feel sick.

"It's bad I know." Said Maggie as she came out and met me.

"Who's is it?"

"Maisey's." She said.

My heart just shattered in that moment; she's so young and yet she's going through so much. My breathing picked up and I had to take a moment oustide.

Clutching onto the wall, I tried to keep myself up to avoid collapsing to the floor but it was no use. My knees hit the floor and I let out a loud sob, gasping for air.

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