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*Antonio's Pov*

It had been three weeks since we last saw Maisey. The last time I saw her, she was leaving the district with a wobbly walk, almost like she'd gone and got drunk.

Walter had told us what had happened the last time she got drunk. She fought but she lost badly and was punished.

24th March:

When I walked into the Arena, I spotted Frank straight away by the cage. His hair was messier than usual and he looked angry as he set up the chair and water bottle.

The opponent had stepped into the ring and was waiting around for half an hour before Frank stood up and whispered something to the ref. He nodded at his words and stepped into the ring, grabbing the fighters hand and raising it with a shout.


27th March:

Frank was leant on the wall talking to two other guys, who we had identified as the ones who had hurt Maisey. They were all waiting around, checking all exits.

Frank paced back and forth while he shouted into his phone, begging someone to answer and when the person didn't, he threw the phone across the room, smashing it to pieces.

The guy on the stage let out a sigh as he was announced the winner but soon stormed off when he realised that he got prepared for a fight that wasn't even going to happen.

"She's a no show." I said to Jay as I got into the van.

8th April:

When I walked into the arena today, the place was almost empty apart from a few people. Frank stepped onto the stage and grabbed the mic.

"No fights tonight!" He shouted with frustration.

When I got back to the district, half of the team was asleep while Hank was adding to the tally.

"How many?" I asked him.

"Ten. Ten fights."


The team and I needed to get some answers about where Maisey was so we headed to the group home, hoping to find something.

When we turned up, Ameila was stood oustide putting up a poster. Getting a closer look, I realised it was a missing poster of Maisey. Her hair was down for once and she had a big cheesy grin on her face.

"Amelia. What's this for?" Asked Hank as he stood by my side.

"We don't know where she is. Frank came round yesterday begging us for a location but none of us know anything."

"Isn't she at school?" I asked.

"No and when I asked where she was, the school said she was at home because she's ill. She's not at our home."

"We'll find her. Who are her friends?"

"Don't bother. They have no clue. The only one who knows is Derek. He should be at football practice till five. Here's a picture of him," She said and showed us a picture of the boy that I had seen that night. "We've tried to ask him but each time he puts his headphones on and acts like he can't hear us."

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