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"Happy Birthday, baby."

"Don't." I said as I screwed my face up, tears filling my eyes and threatening to spill.

"Oh don't be like that."

"What the hell?" I said, my voice low.

She's looks like an angel but even some demons look pretty.

She crouched down in front of me, running her hand along my face before gripping my chin in her fingers, purposely digging her nails into my skin.

Two men entered the room, pulling Kage away from me as they grabbed my arms and tied them to the seat as well as my legs.

"Just a precaution. I know you fighters hold a lot of anger."

"What the hell, mom?"

"Oh sweetie, look at you. I told you to wear dresses as a child, not whatever this is. Baggy top and boy shorts. Where's my beautiful baby girl?"

"Yours? Yours is dead. Your beautiful baby girl died the day you left!"

"C'mon, there's no need for that."

"I don't get it."

"There's no need for your anger."

"No. I don't get why you are here. You despised me. I disgusted you and look where you are. You are running this place."

"You wouldn't understand."

"No, I don't understand. You hated the violence and the abuse and everything around boxing. You thought I was a monster."

"You are a monster. Look at you. Look at your hands," She said as I looked at the stained skin. "That's not even your blood."

"You were so worried that I was going to die but you were the murderer. Do you know how many children have died because of this? Because of you?"

"Okay. That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"Why did you leave? I needed you. I needed my mom and you weren't there. Do you know what it's like for a little girl to want to be their mom? To want to have their beauty and their life? And then to be disappointed when you are seen as nothing in their eyes. I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Don't be like that. You liked your life. I wasn't even in the picture."

"Yes you were. You were there the whole time but didn't make the effort and that's on you."

"Enough of this. You won, okay? Just be happy."

"Get to the point. Okay. I'm not happy and I haven't been for a long time because of you. Because of this. So cut the crap. What would you have said if it wasn't me who had won? What was this entire meeting about?"

"Well, the winner gets to fight in these rings permanently. You get to travel the world with me and my husband."

"Your husband is dead."

"Aw, sweetie. Your pathetic excuse of a father died. My husband, who runs all of this, is still alive. You thought I was the top of the food chain? Oh no, baby."

"I don't want to travel the world. I don't want any of this."

"Why is it that I've always given you everything and you've always ruined it? You're a spoilt brat." She said as she crouched down in front of me and stroked her nails over my jaw.

Moving my face away from her, I sobbed as I watched Kage get beaten up in the corner. Tears stung at the corners of my eyes as my mouth let out a scream. Clarissa, my mom, stabbed her hand straight into my cut and pushed on the other wounds with her spare hand.

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