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When I woke up, I gripped the duvet tightly in my hands, a warm smile spread across my face. I never wanted to get up from this bed, the comfort had me feeling like it was a Christmas morning in a cottage.

"Hey, you're awake." Said a voice as they walked in and placed a cup of water on the bedside table with some tablets.

"Mm...no. I don't want to get up. It's too comfy." I groaned into the pillow.

"I'll get you your breakfast and bring it in. Just relax."

Looking up, I saw the familiar figure retreating for my room. He wasn't in his usual clothes with a leather jacket, instead he was in a pair of joggers and a black jumper.

"Hey, Antonio." I said as I sat up but immediately put my head down as the pain began to throb. "Ow."

"Here, take some aspirin." He said and placed them in my hand, grabbing the water form the table.

After I took them, I looked up at him, my brows furrowed in confusion. "I didn't even drink, so why does it feel like a hangover?

"You were crying a lot last night. It'll be from that."

"Oh. Thanks."

"Yeah. No worries. How did you get my number?"

"I took your phone when you weren't looking."

"You little minx." He laughed as he walked out of the room but came back with a bacon sandwich. "Here. Eat up."

"Thanks and thank you for last night. Also, you were planning on adopting me?"

"Yeah. I was waiting for the right time to tell you but I was so worried for you last night that it just came out."

"Is this the bad neighbourhood you live in?" I asked as I looked out the window.

"Yeah. It was cheap at the time and there were some gang issues, so I moved in to try and protect some of the elderly people."

"You've got a big heart, I see."

"Yeah. Anyway, eat up. You really should get back to the home. Amelia was worried for you last night."

"She's always worried."

"Isn't the big sister supposed to be worried for the little sister?"

"Yeah but we're practically the same age and I am worried for her. I'm worried for all of them."

"They're okay."

After I had eaten, I grabbed a shower and got dressed into some fresh clothes before Antonio dropped me home. When I walked in, I felt like I had just walked into a funeral. The place was dead silent and the air was dusty, like an ancient library.

Opening the fridge, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw there was food, meaning Frank had clearly still looked after them.

"It wasn't him." Said Sarah as she walked into the kitchen.

Spinning on my feet, I turned to face her and immediately froze in my spot from the chill in the room.

"I had to use my own money to help them. You gave up on us. Three weeks and fifteen fights."

"So you should. You wasted the rest of it on your lopsided boobs."

"They are not lopsided!"

"No, it's good. At least they look somewhat natural. Maybe not the shape but I'm sure you'll find some rich man that'll pay for the next surgery. You'll have to bin us lot off first, sugar daddies aren't usually looking for kids."

Broken Promises (Chicago PD)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα