Waiting Game

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For two days straight, Maisey was in and out of surgery, desperately fighting to stay alive as I had instructed her to. The rest of the team had been working towards closing the case after Clarissa handed herself in, hoping she'd get a reduced sentence.

She won't.

Hank made sure of it. I don't know whether it was his way of showing he cares but it definitely didn't make up for what he did. He was the adult; he had the power and yet he let a teenager control him. It's the fact that he even listened to her in the first place.

Rushing up to Will, I grabbed his arm before he could go into a room. Staring down at me, his face was pulled into a look of confusion and annoyance.

"Go home, Antonio. You look like shit. I can actually see physical bags under your eyes." Said Will as he flicked through a chart.

"How's Maisey?" I asked, my eyes pleading with his.

"I don't know. She's no longer part of my rotar. You'll have to talk to Crockett."

"Why aren't you her doctor anymore?"

"Sharon saw that I was too close, so she removed me. Not to mention, I can't help her anymore. My surgical skills only stretch so far."

"Crockett knows us too, though. So, how is he not close as well? Hell, everyone knows us."

"Crockett doesn't know Maisey. He's never met her."

"Will, surely you must know something."

"I don't. Ask Crockett or Ethan. And god forbid Antonio, go home." He ordered before he walked into a room, pulling the doors and curtain shut so I couldn't keep bugging him.

The thought of going home turned my stomach and made me queasy, knowing that Maisey wouldn't be there to greet me. She wouldn't be cooking her famous paella recipe as he sung Spanish songs and giggled, messing up the lyrics.

It just wouldn't be the same without her.

However, Will was right, I needed to go home. I think I'd started to scare the nurses by how zombie-like I was. But hey, I could be worse.

Trudging into my apartment, I unlocked the door and walked in, my heart feeling empty at how cold and grey it was. Collapsing onto the sofa, I chucked on Netflix to fall asleep too, my mouth going dry when I saw Maisey's name flash up on the screen.

Reluctantly pressing onto her name, I scrolled until I found her 'continue watching' and pressed play on the first one. For weeks, she begged me to watch this show with her, telling me how good it was as well as how fit the male characters were. I never listened until she practically forced me to watch it. We wrestled for half an hour as she tried to get me to turn my face to the screen and I tried to steal the remote from her hands. Eventually, she won and convinced me to watch it but I fell asleep in the first twenty minutes.

As I watched, I couldn't help but let the tears fall, one by one, soaking my jumper and creating a shine on my face.

*No One's Pov*

While Antonio was up the hospital with Maisey or sleeping at home, the rest of the team were tyring to put an end to the case.

Adam and Jay were currently in the interrogation room with Clarissa, trying to figure out what her every move was from beginning to end and whether she had anything to do with Frank's drug dealing and trafficking.

"He brought drugs into the country to sell at your fights. He wanted Maisey to win your big annual fight for that reason, to get to the bigger arenas." Explained Jay.

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