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*Maisey's Pov*

Our jaws had to be picked up from the floor when we pulled up to Klarise's house.

A long, smooth concrete road led us up to the front of the house where three cars were being cleaned. A man in a fully black tuxedo with grey hair and a posh hat, greeted us with a smile as he scrubbed down the Bentleys while we drove past in a green Ford fiesta. Not the fanciest of cars.

We had to drive past two security gates, both of them black metal with spikes that looked non-lethal at the top of them. The walls surrounding the property were pristine white, meaning they were probably cleaned at least once a day, if not twice. Tall square bushes outlined the walls and acted as an inner wall, protecting the house from prying eyes. The grounds were well cared for and you could tell by the light green tinge.

Hannah and Claire did a full 360 as they stared, open mouthed, at the property. I wasn't overly shocked as Derek had a pretty big house too with a swanky security system but this was so much better.

"You must be Klarise's friends. I'm Gerald the butler. If you'd like to follow me, please." He said as he looked at us all before he zoned in on me.

As we were walking through the house, I could feel plenty of eyes on me, staring me down like I was some criminal. I had never met these people in my life so I don't see what the problem is.

"Ignore them, they're just amazed to be close to a boxing legend."

"I don't box." I said while sharing a glance with Lily.

"Oh, I know. I mean your father. They like to do their research."

"Well, they probably found a lot more out than just my father. I thought they were staring at me because I was a criminal. They're not wrong though. I have been arrested a couple of times. Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nervous." I blabbered on.

"Don't worry about it. C'mon upstairs. I've got so many clothes for you girls to try on."

With excited grins, we followed Klarise upstairs, thrilled for our girls night.

"I invited David too." She said.

"It's Derek." I said while the girls just dismissed it.

When Klarise had left to get some waters for us, I turned to the girls, desperate to tell them about the boxing.

"Hey, I need to tell you guys something. It started with Joey and how I know him," I started as they stared intently at me. "It's not too big of a deal. Lily and Derek know but I think it's time you guys do too. I'm an illegal bo-"

"This is my mom." Said Klarise as she walked in with drinks and her makeup bag under her arm.

Shock would be an understatement.

The girls turned to look at her while I kept my head down, tears quickly filling my eyes as much as I tried to fight them off.

"Hey, girls!"

She got what she wanted. The perfect husband, the perfect house, she even got her perfect daughter. They were a spitting imagine of each other and I don't know how I didn't see it before but now that I do, I'm so close to throwing up.

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