6. Movie time

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Isabella Rose

We take the car and rush to a building not so far away.
We run inside and go down stone stairs. People are surrounding the two persons fighting.
As soon as people notice Valentino they step away and give him space to walk forward.
"Get the fuck up you both!" Valentino yells making the two boys on the ground scared. They stand up so fast and won't dare to look at Valentino.

"Will someone tell me what happened?" He says looking between the boys. One has a busted lip and the other is bleeding through his nose. "I'm sorry boss but Leo started it, he got mad I threw better than him and messed with my knives" the boy speaks.

"I do not fucking care about who started it. If you work for me this can not happen. If I ever see something like this again I'll throw you out of the team"
Valentino says.
Leo looks down only at his feet embarrassments of his actions. Valentino clenches his jaw in anger.

"When will I ever get a god damn calm day" Valentino whispers under his breath.
"Go stand in front of the board both of you" Valentino says and the boys look at each other knowing they've messed it up for themselves.

They slowly walk up to the boards and stand there like a target. Valentino picks up four knives. He throws them one by one. First two knives hit right above the head making the boys flinch. He throws the third and it cuts just a little skin on Leo's upper arm making him bleed. He stands there in shock. None of them dare to move. Then the last knife cuts a little piece on the boys leg. He touches the blood on his leg shaking out of fear.

"That should teach you guys a lesson, if you do anything other that what you are supposed to, you will be facing me. So think before acting like idiots for god sake." Valentino says as everyone in the room nods.

"You're free to go" he says to the boys. And everyone goes back to training like normal.
"That was harsh" I say scared too.
He turns to me. "Get used to it." He answers then puts his hand on my back to lead me somewhere.
"If you want to save yourself sometimes you have to fight" he says stopping in front of a punching bag.

"I've never fought" I say not knowing what to do.
"Trust me I've noticed amore" he says grinning trying to piss me off but I don't give him that satisfaction.

"Alright hold up your arms like this" he says showing me exactly how to do.
He pushes the bag like a pro and waits for me to do it. I try to imitate what he just did. He laughs. "Hey you can't laugh while teaching someone that has never done this." I say wanting to punish him.

"You have to keep steady and hit with strength" he says then grabs my waist with both hands. I don't think I am breathing. I can't focus when he's touching me. "Keep tension here" he says then let's go. He shows me how to do again and this time I do better. Some more training and maybe I will be a great fighter.
"Good you've got the hang of it now" he says watching my every step.
I nod as I'm out of breath.

"Where'd you learn to fight?" I ask interested in his past. He shakes his head. "Nope I'm not going to tell you about my past, just keep practicing" he says crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes as I continue.
A girl comes up to him and my focus turns to them talking. She whispers something in his ear. Her hands are very touchy. "You are so tense darling" she says massaging his back.

"I know how to help you" she says as he nods in response. I do not care about their business.
"Later Trisha" Valentino says looking straight at me. My cheeks go red because he catches me listening. Trisha laughs then bumps into me before going out of this room. That bitch.

Valentino walks closer to me and I really try to not care. "Who was she?" I ask and regret it immediately because now it does sound like I care. Fuck me.

"Care so much about my personal life huh?" He says and I roll my eyes again.

"Don't think so highly of yourself, I would never care about you. I just wondered because I thought I knew her from somewhere" I say obviously lying.

"Well you have to be careful, sounded like you actually cared for me amore" he says grinning. Oh how I wish I could knock that grin out of his face.

"In your dreams" I say back.

"You don't exist in my dreams love" he says as I roll my eyes. "Shut up" I say but he doesn't get angry like I thought he would. I guess he's used to me not doing as he says by now.

"Are you guys done?" Oliver comes in.
"Yeah let's leave" I say walking out before Valentino. We head back home and I immediately go to my bed to sleep.

A knock on my door wakes me up. I fix my hair and open the door. Oliver stands in front of me. "Me and Matteo are watching a movie if you want to join" he says and I smile at the invite. It's been decades since I actually watched a movie with friends. Dante never wanted to watch with me and I never got to invite my friends over so I usually watch them alone.

"Sure I'll be down in a minute" I say as Oliver heads back down. I put on a new t-shirt with some black shorts then walk to the tv. The boys are already seated trying to choose a movie.
"And the queen arrives" Matteo says and I give him a confused look.

"Queen?" I ask.

"Yeah I think it suits you" he says as I get seated beside him. "How so?"

"So Val is the king and you queen you guys look good together" Matteo says as I make a disgusted face.

"Hell to the no! Me and him do not go well together" I say laughing at how stupid it sounds.

"That's what's so cute about you two" he says. "There is nothing cute about us, we literally want to kill each other, gosh please let this conversation be over, or I will throw up" I say as both Oliver and Matteo laughs.
"I'm just joking with you" Matteo says and I let out a relieved breath. The last thing I want is people thinking me and that asshole would be cute together.

"How did you guys meet?" I say trying to change the subject.
"So Matteo here is my buddy we met for about like 4 years ago, and immediately clicked. We met through Valentino actually, I started working for him around then and happened to meet this troublemaker" Oliver says.

"No...Matteo could not be that much trouble" I say not believing him. But they both nod.

"Let's say I have a pretty horrible past" he says and I want to know more but know we aren't close enough for him to tell me yet. So I shut my mouth as they pick a horror movie.

10 minutes into the movie I hear someone walk into the room. "Why am I not invited?" A grumpy voice says then gets seated beside me. I try to think of anything else other than that his leg is touching mine.

"You never watch movies" Oliver says shocked.
"Yeah well today I do" Valentino says getting comfortable beside me.

"Where have you been all day?" Valentino whispers form beside me.

"Missed me huh?" I say grinning knowing for sure he hasn't even thought about me. It's just fun to fight with him.

"You wish" he says as I cross my arms.

"Stop lying to yourself, it's unhealthy" I say as a slight smile tugs at his lips.

"Have I managed to make the Valentino Gray smile because I'm so funny, I'm proud of myself" I say flipping my hair to the other side.

"Careful Bella" he warns grinning.
"I'm tired of your threats you won't do anything to me and I know it" I say but he stares at me so deeply I can't focus. "You have no idea of what I can do" he whispers.

"Oh yeah? Show me" I say grinning knowing he won't do shit because we have a deal.

"Can you guys quit eye fucking?" Matteo says as I turn my head away from Valentino. "We were absolutely not eye fucking!" I say.

"We definitely were" Valentino says from beside just to piss me off.
"No we weren't asshole" I say to him as they all laugh. We continue to watch the movie in silence. I scream a few times but I have to admit other than the pop ups the movie sucked. It wasn't even scary.

I know I shouldn't be too glad to stay here because I will probably be dead after this month, but I do feel somewhat happy here. If it weren't for Valentino of course. He's an ass.

I had so much fun writing this chapter hope you like it!

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