9. Paint

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Isabella Rose

It's late and everyone is asleep. I sigh. I have no one to talk to.
I remember that one room. I think it was a painting room. So I decide to go to there. I open the door and head inside. There is so much colors.
I loved painting when I was younger. Well I stopped doing things I love when I met Dante. That manipulative ass.

I take a seat in front of a canvas and pick the colors I want. I start painting flowers in a garden. Making every flower vibrant and colorful. They look so alive and free.

I spend the past hour in here just painting. A knock on the door makes me jump.
Valentino stands at the door. How does he always know where I am. This house is huge and still he knows where to find me.

I roll my eyes as he enters the room. Turning my attention back to the painting. He stops behind me, arms crossed staring at it. I continue to paint.
"Was there something you wanted?" I ask.

"I like it" he answers. I smile slightly not knowing if he's joking or being serious. "Well you can keep it as a memory of me when I'm gone, bet you'll miss me" I say laughing knowing he would never do it.

He doesn't answer. Slowly he picks a brush up and dips it in the black color. His arm brushing mine as he paints a black flower in the middle. I stop breathing at his touch.

"It needed something less...colorful" he says.

"Hey! Get your own canvas this is mine" I say even though his flower looks gorgeous. He's actually great at painting. Who would've thought that.

"And who paid for it all?" He says and honestly I can't argue with that. He's right, it's all his. I let out a annoyed sigh. I can feel him smiling knowing he succeeded in annoying me.

I stand up and turn around to face him. He is looking down on me with those gorgeous eyes. I won't let him make me feel this way. I start pushing him slowly again he the wall.
"So I have yet noticed that whenever I'm alone you come to me" I say looking at him with a smirk.
I place my hand on his hard chest as he hits the wall. His attention goes to my hand and when he looks back at me there is lust in his eyes.
"Don't lie to yourself Val, you do like my company" I say as a slight smirk tugs at his lips.

"Not even a little" he says knowing damn well he does. I can feel it.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to you." He says catching me off guard. "You find me attractive?" I ask in shock. Nobody has ever said that to me. Not even my own boyfriend.

"Your a woman with a smart mind" he says. I cross my arms smiling.
"Is Valentino gray giving me compliments" I say taking a few steps back from him because I'm getting hot.

"Does that make you nervous Rosie" he says knowing exactly what he does to me. How is he so good at this.
"No of course not your not the first man to call me attractive. I know I am" I say. But we both know for a fact that I've never heard those words from Dante, ever. He never told me I was beautiful or hot, not even on the days I tried to dress up.

His phone calls. Thank god I feel like I can't breathe. He answers it and says "I'll handle it" then without saying anything he gets out.
I put my hand on my chest to feel how hard my heart is beating. He can't keep doing this to me. How can I hate him but like the way he's making me feel at the same time.
I push the thoughts away knowing this will only hurt me in the end. I hate the man I convince myself.


A few hours pass and it's vary late at night.
A loud noise comes from downstairs and I run out of my room to find that Valentino is hurt. He's holding onto a wall trying to steady himself. "Omg what happened" I yell from upstairs as I spot the blood under his coat. I run downstairs and he rolls his eyes. Asshole.

"Go back to your room I'm fine" he says.

"You don't look so fine" I say feeling sorry for him. Honestly I should want him dead. But it just isn't right. I can't let him bleed out.

"Common" I say as I move to under his arm. He wraps his arm around me and I try to keep his body up as we move upstairs. God he's heavy.
We move to the bathroom and he leans against the counter. I run to get the first aid kit.

How can one get in so much trouble.
"I need to see the wound" I say and a smirk grows on his lips. And I know exactly what's coming.

"Geez if you want to see me naked you can just ask amore" he says and I shake my head smiling. "Stop joking this is serious" I say as he struggles to take off his shirt. I help him get it off. His eyes stays on me as I clean the wound.

I try to focus but the perfectly sculpted abs distracts me. He breaths heavily as I try to stop the blood. It looks like a knife cut. I hope it doesn't need stitching but bandages will do for now.

"Fuck" he says from under his breath looking up at the ceiling. I look up at him.
"What did I hurt you?" I ask panicked. He shakes his head. "No not that...Are you done amore" he asks and I nod.

"Why is your hand still on me then" he says and I immediately take it off of him. "You can get out now, I need to be alone" he says and I sigh.
"A thank you would be nice" I say.

"I don't waste my time on unnecessary things." He says.
Of course he doesn't. I bet he's never apologized to anyone in his life.
"Yeah just proves my point...your an asshole" I say before stepping out of there.

I close my eyes trying to wipe away what I just saw. God that man sure does workout.

A little more tension in this chapter.

Am I going good so far? Tell me your thoughts>>>

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