7. Questions

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Isabella Rose

"Stop doing that" Valentino says from across the table. Today it's only me and Valentino at the table and it's sucks.

I've been digging my nails into my skin without realizing again. I just have a lot going on in my mind.
Like how am I ever going to survive when they send me to Dante's house. It's impossible. I'm dead before I even get there. And if I do make it, take the papers and head back, Valentino will kill me because of all the shit I said to him. I have no chance in this.

I've spent a little more than 1 week here now and it's becoming harder each day accepting my fate. That I'm going to die in just 3 weeks.

"Are you even listening, stop doing that it's annoying" he says and this time I stop.

"I don't like when you give me orders" I say as I push my plate away from me.

"Yeah? Well guess what, I don't like when you're talking" he says putting down his fork.
"Good to know the feelings are mutual" I say as he starts rubbing his forehead. He's irritated.

"Call Trisha maybe she can take away your headache" I say.

He grins. It should be illegal to look this good. Fuck. What am I saying.

"Jealous now are we amore?"

I sigh loud making it clear I'm not. "Absolutely not and stop calling me that I hate it" I say.

"Now that I know you hate it I'm going to use it every time...amore" he says annoying me but I don't give him the satisfaction. My face expression stays the same.

It's quiet for a couple of second.
"Can I ask you a question?" I say.


"Well I'm asking anyway, why did you push a knife through Peters hand?"

"He did something I didn't like" he answers.

"So you just push knives through people when you don't like something?"

"Is there any way to shut you up?" he says as I shake my head. Because there literally is no way I can be quiet.
He picks up his plate and moves to the kitchen as I follow him. "You didn't answer" I say as he sighs.

He turns around and I bump into him. "Sorry" I say giggling.

"You'll get an answer if I get to ask you a question" he says as I nod.


"At the bar I saw him slapping your ass, which he had no right to do. It made me furious knowing my guys took advantage of you and he paid with getting stabbed in that hand." He says while looking down at me. I really want to be mad at him for doing it, but knowing he cares for women makes me smile. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh... Well thank you for caring" I say.

"I do not care about you amore, I just don't want men to act like wild animals towards any women. Don't feel special" he says then goes straight to his question.

"My turn." He says grabbing my arm and pulling up my sleeve so gently. "How'd you get these?" He says pointing at the two marks on my arm.
I immediately pull my sleeve back down and try to forget how i actually got them.

"It's nothing. Don't remember when I got them" I say trying to avoid the question.

"I'm not fucking stupid Bella but I'm not going to push you to answer." He says making me relieved.
"No it really is nothing" I say backing away a few steps from him. I just don't want to bring back all of it.

"Sure isn't" he says and doesn't bring it up after that. He walks out to his balcony and pulls out a cigarette. He lights it then puts it between lips.
I should just go up to my room but having conversation is a lot more fun.

I go to where Valentino is standing.
"What is your tattoo?" I ask looking at the small writing on his arm.
I think it's in Italian.

He turns to me then blows out the smoke in my face.
"No more questions amore, you didn't answer mine" he says then turns back to look at the view. His side profile so perfect.

"Am I not allowed to ask anything now? Ugh this is so boring" I say then feel him walking closer to me. I tense.
He walks til I'm against the balcony wall then leans down just a bit.
We are so fucking close I can't breathe. He looks down at my lips. How is this working on me, I hate him.
My cheeks go red when he slowly brings his mouth to my ear.

"Have I finally managed to shut you up Rosie?" he whispers.

"Fuck you" I say then push him away.

He grins knowing he has succeeded at making me speechless. I usually have an answer to everything but this time I can't think straight. What type of hypnosis is this.

"Don't ever come that close to me again" I say not wanting him to make me feel what I just did.

"Don't worry amore, I'm not interested in you. You are just a way to get what I want." He says and i nod.
A way to get what I want.
I'm just a pawn in everyone's lives.

"I'm not interested in you either asshole." I say crossing my arms.

"Good" he says then goes back to smoking his cigarette.

"Yeah good" I say agreeing then leave to get to my room.


I put on some music in my room then start dancing when Taylor fucking Swift comes up. I use my hairbrush as a mike while singing to 'the story of us' in my towel since I just took a shower.

"Having a party without me I see" Matteo says from behind me. I scream out of fear as I hold my towel to not drop it. "You scared the shit out of me" I say laughing.

"I did knock a few times" he says smiling nervously. "I love this song" he says then starts singing with me. Never knew he liked Taylor Swift. I guess I know very little about everyone in this house.

We keep dancing until I feel someone staring at us. Valentino. He looks mad.
"What's going on in here"

"We were just dancing" I answer turning down the music. Valentino stares between me and Matteo like we have done something bad. And I now realize how stupid this looks. I'm in my towel dancing with a man I barely know.

"Val it's just some music" Matteo says knowing he's made his brother mad. "Get out, and you, put clothes on" Valentino says.

I put on a big shirt and underwear. The shirt is almost covering my ass. I try to pull it down so I'm covered.
Matteo left the room but Valentino stays. Great.

"Did you have to ruin our moment" I say rolling my eyes.

"There should be no more moments like that. Leave Matteo alone" he says like I was the one calling him to my room. Matteo is my friend and as friends we were having fun.

"Please why are you always wanting me to avoid your brother?" I say. It's starting to become strange that I am never allowed to talk to Matteo.

"You don't know him. There is a lot you don't know about his past so shut up and do as I say." He says making me want to know more. But before I can ask any more he has left the room and I'm alone again.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!
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