What he wants

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As the realization set in, I felt the color leave my skin. Does he want a hit back? I looked back at Killian in horror and he watched my expressions change. A chilling wave of fear and apprehension coursed through my veins. My heart quickened its pace, and my body tensed, preparing for a potential confrontation.

I lifted my hands up feeling scared and spoke to him.

'Do you want to hit me too then?' The sense of vulnerability and helplessness enveloped me, as I grappled with a mix of emotions.

He watched me sign out my words but even after I was done he kept his eyes on my hands that were in mid air. Feeling awkward, I brought my hands down but his gaze didn't move. He kept blinking in confusion for a few seconds, it looked as if he was confused by my words, but then a smile appeared on his face.

"If I want a hit back, then what?"


Um... In that moment, my mind raced, searching for a way to diffuse the situation and protect myself.

What do I say?? I feel like it's not wrong for him to hit me back since I struck him first, but he's an Alpha Werewolf! If he hits me, I'm gonna pass away!!

Oh! Gosh!! What do I do!?!?

I raised my hands back up in fear and asked him again, 'Do you really want to hit me back?' I stared back at him with fear in my eyes.

"Yes," His smirk widened, "I do," He folded his arms, "It's only fair, don't you think?"

Oh shit...

I brought my hands and my gaze down to my lap.

I'm done for...

That's when I heard him chuckle, "I want a hit back," He spoke again and I looked at him, "But with something else."

Something else? I furrowed my eyebrows. What's that supposed to mean?

'Something else?' I asked,

He nodded, "It should be an equivalent exchange, right?"

I paused and thought about it. I don't want to get hit but if he hits me back. I should have a solid excuse to never see him again. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, my wolf whined. She didn't like what I was thinking but I didn't want to be miserable.

'Okay...' I agreed to it.

His smirk widened, "So we have a deal."

'How are you going to hit me?' I looked around, 'Are you going to do it here?' If he hits me here, a lot of people will see and then maybe I'll be able to get a restraining order against him too.

"Yep," He nodded, "I'll do it right here." I don't know what it was but it felt like he was planning something evil, "And, I'm going to hit you with this." He tapped his index finger on his lips,

I frowned at his words. He's going to hit me with his lips? How do you hit someone with your lips!?!?

I don't know why I was late on the update. Perhaps because I wasn't expecting something like this at all. I was so focused on the word 'hit' that it took me a while to get it that being hit by lips would change the whole meaning behind getting hit.

And just as I realized what he meant and my cheeks burned red at this statement, he moved in and smacked his lips onto mine.

As he leaned in, his eyes locked with mine, a surge of anticipation and fear coursed through my veins. Time seemed to slow down, the world around us fading into a blur, as his lips gently met mine in a soft, tender kiss.

In that tender moment, a myriad of emotions swept over me like a gentle wave but the contact also made my heart tremble. The warmth of his touch ignited a flame within my heart, stirring feelings I didn't want to feel.

The softness of his lips against mine conveyed a tenderness that spoke directly to my heart. Every brush and caress, delicate and intentional, sent shivers of pleasure and tenderness throughout my entire being. It made my mind melt into a mush but even then I felt how excited it made my wolf and somewhere along with it, I felt his wolf too.

As our lips eventually parted, a soft sigh escaped my lips and I looked back at him with trembling pupils.

I wasn't sure how to react. My heart was pounding in my chest, my cheeks were flushed and my mind seemed blank.

'You can't do that!!' In the fit of confusion, I managed to say something.

"I got your consent though," He felt proud of himself, "You agreed to this. You agreed to get hit by me."

His statement left me dumbfounded. I didn't know how to react to that and just as I was fretting over it, I noticed some people were looking at us.

"Isn't that Killian?"

"Why's he kissing a girl in the middle of a crowd?" They were talking amongst themselves.

"His girlfriend?"

"What do you mean girlfriend? That chick's mute!"

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and I stood up to leave, but before I could make a run for it Killian caught my arm.

"You're not going anywhere." He held my wrist tightly, "We're going to talk." He sat back down on the bench, "We came here to talk. And I don't want to end the discussion before it even started."

I shook my head at him in fear. I didn't want to be the center of attention but he ignored my shaking head and refused to let my hand go.

I looked around again. I saw the people whispering but I couldn't exactly hear them now since they weren't talking out loud like before.

"Ignore them," Killain spoke, "This is between us."

But I couldn't ignore them. It was making me panic. And then I took a drastic measure to escape. I moved quickly and bit his hand, causing him to panic-release me.

"OW!" He let me go and I made a run for it again.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now