Let's go!

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Oh! Holy!

I didn't think they'd ask if he likes me back! I thought it would be enough to tell them that I liked him a lot. Maybe they'll get distracted if I tell them I already marked him.

"So?" My mother put the menu down

"Does he like you?'

"Uh- well," I tapped my index fingers on my knees, "The thing is,"

"I do," Another voice came to the rescue and everyone looked to the side, "I like him." And my eyes went wide as I looked at Nico. He stood by my side confidently and that made my mouth hang open too.

"OH!" My family stood up in awe.

"Oh wow!" Ann said, "You're really pretty!" She stepped towards him, "You're dating this goof?" She held his hands.

The compliment made him flush, "Oh!" He got shy, "Thank you..." He looked down feeling all flustered and it made my mouth that was agape turn into a smile.

I stood up and hugged him from the side.

"Asher?!?" Nico let out a yelp.

"I really like him!" I declared. in front of everyone but I wasn't really paying attention to anyone else but my own family.

"Yes," My mom replied, "We can see that." She looked at Nico, "You look like you're serious about each other." And then she squinted her eyes, "Wait a minute," She stepped forward, taking Ann's place and moving around Nico

For a moment I wasn't sure what suddenly got into her but when her gaze deliberately landed on his nape, I felt my entire being shake.

Oh shit...



Do we look serious about each other?


I glanced at Asher and noticed that we sort of did come out to his family.... That's what people in a serious relationship do.

I didn't pay attention to it at first.

But Asher really is serious about me since he told his family.

My heart started pounding.


He really does like me a lot!

"We are," Asher replied but I noticed his voice had a tremor. That's when I noticed his Mom staring at my nape.


It hit me immediately and I slapped my hand on the back of my neck in horror. I couldn't bring myself to say anything and just turned to look at Asher.

'Do something, you idiot!' I yelled at him in my mind and saw him freeze up. He turned his head to look at me in surprise.

'Did you just talk in my head?'

He had linked his mind with mine and I froze for a moment as well. It wasn't intentional. I only knew that in human form we couldn't link our minds but clearly, he heard me because he was replying the same way and I could hear him too.

'Yea...' I replied

"Hey!" Ann grabbed Asher's cheek, "What's going on here?" She turned to look at her mother, "Mom what's wrong?"

Miss Russian let out a sigh, "He's marked."


Mister Luther and Ann's eyes went wide and they looked at me in shock and then at Asher.

'Asher!' I yelled in his mind again and he came and stood in front of me.

"Yes," He said before anyone else could, "I've marked him."

"This fast!?!" His father was taken aback.

"Dad," He met his eyes, "Mom," And then he met her eyes, "Ann," He spared his sister a glance, "I have marked him but there's a reason for that."

"Mmmhmm," His mother nodded, "Enlighten us,"

He held my hands in his while he stood in front of me, "We're a fated pair." He revealed and the revelation made all of them go silent and wide-eyed.

"What?" Ann was the first one to speak, "Really!?!" She shot her head towards me, "You are?"

I peeked my head from behind Asher and nodded, "Yes,"

"Oh!" Miss Russian's expression lightened, "How peculiar!" She seemed delighted.

"I see," Mister Luther folded his arms, "Then should we meet with his parents as well?" He asked and we both froze.

"We should!" All of a sudden his mom was excited, "And we should get a wedding date!"


"OMG!!" An held her mother's hand and they rejoiced, "A wedding!! This is going to be so much fun."


I was so confused, that my brain stopped working for a moment.

I then turned to look at Asher.

'What is happening?' I mind-linked him again and he slowly turned to look at me.

'There was a reason why I said my family would have no problem with you,' We stared at each other, 'They're pretty easy going but that aside, Mom and Ann are huge fans of this fated-pair thing.'


He looked at my expressions and then let out a chuckle, "Don't worry about it." He pulled me into a hug and I was so confused I didn't even resist. "What's more confusing is how we can mind-link in this form?"

"You can mind-link in this form?!?!?" Ann jumped towards me, "OH! MY GOD!!" She squealed, "The myth must be true."

I moved my face from Asher's chest and looked at her, "What myth?" I asked curiously.

"That fated pairs can mind-link in human form too." His mother answered and I saw the sparkles in her eyes

"Okay," Mister Luther took out his phone, "This means we definitely need to talk to your family."

"Yes!!" Miss Russian answered.

"Yess!!" Ann hopped in.

"Yes?" Asher wasn't sure what to say and I wasn't sure how to stop them either.

"NO!" But another voice made everyone freeze before Asher and I could stop them. But the voice was all too familiar to me and I shot my head in that direction as my heart dropped.


But no matter how much I wished it wasn't him.

It was.

My brother was making his way towards us and I felt the dread creep up on my body.

"Romano..." I let out the name with a shaky breath.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now