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My heart began to pound in my chest. His eyes were on me like a predator's eyes on its prey. As the truth was unveiled, my heart raced, and a cold sweat formed on my brow. The walls of my carefully constructed facade were crumbling, and I felt like a cornered animal.

"W-what?" I let out a soft question. My pupils shook as the fear took over for a moment

"What?" He grinned, "I said I saw it." He booped my nose with his index finger, "You mixing stuff in the water." Shame washed over me like a suffocating tide.


Wasn't he asleep?!? How did he see me?! I made sure to check that he was asleep! But, was he only pretending!!?

I felt my heart sink


I was perplexed and humiliated that I got caught but looking at Asher's face made the anger boil over too, he was looking at me like I was some sort of cute little animal, "Then why the hell would you take it?!?" I yelled it out loud.

If he already saw me, there was no point in pretending not to know anymore.

"Well, I had no idea it was a drug." He smirked, "I just saw you putting something in, never thought you'd be this daring."


I fumed in anger, "All the more reason not to take it!" I stiffened my hands as I raised them in question, "If you knew I was pulling something you should have stayed away."

"Like I said, I didn't think you'd be this daring," He wasn't fazed at all and his calm demeanor was putting me off.

"Why did you come to the hunt then??" I asked, "I'm sure you started feeling the symptoms soon after drinking the water. Your head must have been dizzy. So why!?!? Why risk it and come here?!?!" I looked at his face in anger but he kept his smile on.

"Why wouldn't I?" He looked at me as if I had asked the stupidest question.

"Why?" That didn't stop me from asking it again though, because I really had no idea why he would still do it.

"Come on now, don't be like that." He sighed

"Like what?"

"Like you have no idea why I did this."

"I don't," I replied, "I really don't."

He frowned at me, his expression showed he got a little ticked off by my answer but then he sighed and calmed down again, "Me?" He looked at me again, "Not come to the hunt and let you travel with some other wolf?" He shook his head, "Not happening."


I was taken aback by his words, "You came here," I pointed at the ground, "All the way while feeling like shit just so that I don't pair up with some other wolf?"

"Mmmhmm," He nodded and I raised my brows at him in suspicion.

"Are you out of your ****ing mind?"

"Nope," His answer made my mouth hang open. I blinked at him for a second then let out a sigh.

"Oh really?"

"Mmmhmm," He nodded

"You went in the forest on your own though, you didn't wait for me." I huffed at him, "You didn't even come after me when I rejected being your partner and went on your own damn way." I used some hand gestures to indicate him going his way.

He found my ranting funny, because his smile got wider the more I talked to him, it made me realize that maybe I was being too expressive, I was even using my body language, "I took a gamble by doing it." He kissed my cheek out of the blue, "If you had any humanity in you, you would come after me on your own.'


My cheeks flushed, in anger and in embarrassment and I slapped my hand where he just smooched his lips.

"What was that!?!?"

"A kiss," He shrugged as he looked at me like I was the idiot and honestly, it got me fuming.

"To hell with you!!" I showed him my middle finger, "I know what a kiss is!" I stepped towards him and began to punch him with my other hand while I kept one still on my cheek.

He simply laughed at the punches I was throwing at him and it got my blood boiling.

This little!! I'm going to show him he can't laugh at me. Perhaps he's forgotten that he got beaten by me before!

I removed my hand from my cheek and jumped at him. He got startled at the attack and didn't get the time to move away. I managed to get him to the ground and sat on top of him.

"Ow!" His head hit the ground but he didn't get much damage since it was all grass.

"You better stop." I grabbed his face in both my hands as he lay under me, "This isn't funny," I glared at him, "It's not!" The lively atmosphere died down as he looked back at me in shock, "Stop doing this shit. I told you to stop before too!"


There was a moment of silence between us, where the two of us stared at each other.

"Why?" He asked softly, "I don't want to." He said, "I want to kiss you more."


My heart skipped a beat at his words and my eyes went wide.

"What the hell is wrong with you!??!" I felt flustered and found the feeling traveling in my veins, making my grip on him go soft, "Just!" I gritted my teeth, "What is wrong with you...?"

"Nothing," He replied as he kept his eyes on me, "I just think you're beautiful." I could see myself in those clear blue eyes of his.


"W-w-what?!?!" I jolted back, letting his face go in a panic, "A-are you out of your mind!??! I'm a guy!"

He sat up, pushing me down towards his groin. I knew that could get awkward so I wanted to get off but didn't let me get away from him, "Doesn't matter." He grabbed my waist, keeping me in his lap the moment he sensed I was going to get off, "I want you."

"...." My pupils shook. It was hard to comprehend his words but still, the words came out of my mouth, "No, you don't," I couldn't take my eyes off him, "You will never want me."

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang