Heart to Heart

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I shook my head at him, telling him there was nothing.

He shook his head back, his frown never leaving him, "I know there isn't nothing," His voice was soft. Now that I think about it, he hasn't raised his voice since the last time. His thoughts got a bit loud at the end when we were mind-linked but not his voice.

I can tell he's angry, frustrated, and in pain, but he hasn't raised his voice at me. And it made me wonder if it was because he regretted it from the last time.


It made my heart melt.

"Tell me," He whispered, "Are my words not enough?" I could feel our wolves trying to connect, "Are my actions lacking?" But I blocked mine away and she got mad at me.

This whole thing wasn't just heavy on him, it was heavy on me too and I could feel my tears coming in but I held it in.

"I won't let you go," He gulped, "Change back," His expression showed devastation, "And answer me."


Answer him? Tell him what? I'm so confused I don't know what to say! Do I just say everything that's in my heart?

I stared at him for a while and just as I began to shift, he did the same, and a second later, we were in the same stance but with different bodies.

I gulped as I prepared myself but kept looking into his eyes.

'You will regret it,' I said in his mind but he didn't say anything in return, letting me speak further, 'Even if we get together, you will change your mind when you see how I'm not normal. You'll reject me too-' I choked up, 'When everyone around you will get awkward around me,' Tears brimmed in my eyes as I worded it out, 'You will leave-'

'I'm telling you nothing will make me change my mind!!' His thoughts were loud, 'Nothing,' He let my wrist go, 'Our differences don't matter-'

'They do!' I yelled back, my vision got blurry, 'They do!' I gulped as a tear slipped out, 'That's how the world works! People accept things that others around them accept.'

'All the people around me will accept you.' His eyes were wide with desperation.

'Not everyone,' I shook my head, 'And you will see,'

'They will!' He insisted, 'I know they will.'

'What if they don't!?!'

'If anyone wants to be an ass they can leave my life.' He said sternly.


I didn't expect him to say that but I also knew that wasn't true.

'No,' I said, 'You won't leave them, you will leave me.'

'NO,' He shook his head, 'I won't,'

'Do you even know how weird my background is, You would never want to be-'

'I know!' He said out loud, 'I'm aware of everything!' He looked straight into my eyes, 'Everything happened in front of the world when Grace got exposed.'



He was right. The only difference is, Grace and her parents got the spotlight. I was mentioned but no one knew me, I was a side character in the story after all.

But I guess he knows.

'Then why?!' I asked softly, 'Why are you so persistent?'

'Because I don't care!' His words made my heart stop for a beat, 'I don't care about anything else!' I looked into his eyes, 'I want you!' Free of lies, 'I want only you, and the rest doesn't matter.'

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now