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All of us who were in The Hunter's Fest made a unique art piece. And all of those paintings were displayed in the university for everyone to see.

The purpose was for the students to see and then vote online for the painting they found the best.

And unironically, Nico's painting, 'My drunk fool' won first place and somehow my painting, 'My Alpha Beast' made it to second position. There was a stark contrast between our works but both were loved for their respective reasons.

Asher was made fun of a lot because of that painting but he really didn't mind much. He was pretty chill about it all although even he was embarrassed in the beginning. Over time though he just got used to it.

He would just say, "Well, at least I won at something."

And Nico would reply, "You didn't win, I did," And they seemed to be getting along really well. Nico had stopped hiding that he's an omega and there was a weird backlash from people around us but it wasn't anything Nico couldn't handle. There wasn't any physical bullying or anything like that, just whispers and odd rumors.

After years of staying with his bullies, other people were small fry for Nico. And besides that Asher was always ready to kill anyone who tried to speak ill of his mate. Nico's in-laws were quite the furious peeps as well and they didn't let anyone say anything bad about him either.

The situation was pretty much the same on my side too. People just found it hard that an Alpha like Killian was dating me and they would come every now and then to ask the same question.

"You're really dating her?"

Killian would smile brightly and reply "Yep!"

There was a lot of commotion about the Blairs mates in the beginning but it all eventually died down. The commotion was understandable though, it was something Nico and I had both expected but on the bright side, it wasn't as bad as we had expected and was relatively easy to deal with.

And just like that, it was a normal college day where I only had one class and after taking that Nico and I went to meet Killian and Asher.

Asher had a meeting, so Nico left with him while Killian and I decided to go out for lunch and make it a little date.

The thing about Killian and Asher is that they've been keeping their word. What they promised to me and Nico, they're seeing it through and little by little, all the doubts me and my best friend have in our hearts are disappearing.

And I'm so grateful for that,

We walked towards the university exit, chatting casually when something crossed my mind.


This is the perfect opportunity to ask him about this.

I didn't stop, we kept walking and I brought the topic up, 'Killian?' I had a little bit of fever but I didn't pay much attention to it since I wanted to enjoy my date with Killian. It's not everyday that we have free classes and our schedules align. Killian's graduating soon and we won't get to hang out this much once he does.


'I never got to ask this,' I've been curious about this for a long time, 'Why did you learn how to sign?'

Killain paused and stared at me. It made me stop in my tracks too


"You don't know?" He was baffled.

'No...' I replied, 'Am I supposed to?' I just asked the question because the elites never learn this language.

"Why do you think?" He asked, "You didn't figure it out after this long?" He kept staring at me and I got a strong feeling about it.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now