The lonely woman

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All the years I spent as Mael, I could only meet Amara during events or at secret meetings where I made sure no one was following me.

The Omega retreat was one such event that took place when she and I were in the beginning of high school.

Dad had gone on an overseas trip and Rachel said she'd be staying at a party overnight.

I was at that party too. We attended it together but I pretended to leave with everyone else because right next door the omega students were having a small overnight trip and Amara was there.

The trip was sponsored by the elite class but the students were invited to the party, they had their own casual dinner.

As the night got darker, I left the party, snuck into an outdoor bathroom, changed clothes, wore a wig, and ran over to Amara.

I met her at the entrance, she and her friend Nico were there and they took me to where they were having their late-night dinner and snacks. It was an outing filled with laughter and the crackling glow of a bonfire.

We gathered around the dancing flames, I felt a sense of camaraderie and inclusion in the place, a welcome departure from the usual solitude that accompanied my suffocating world.

The scent of wood smoke hung in the air, blending with the delicious aroma of roasted marshmallows. The bonfire's flickering light painted a mosaic of shadows on our faces as we settled around it.

That's when I got acquainted with Nico. He was a lovely fellow and I was really glad that Amara had made a good friend.

As we sat on makeshift seats, the cool night air kissed our faces, and I reveled in the simple joy of being surrounded by the comforting presence away from the pressure of the elite class and my odd family situation. The food, a delightful array of grilled goodies and snacks, passed around like tokens of shared joy, became a centerpiece for our conversations.

The taste of roasted marshmallows, the crunch of snacks, and the occasional sip of a warm drink added sensory dimensions to the experience. The night wore on, but time seemed to slow down in the best possible way.

As the flames dwindled and embers glowed in the darkness, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely. People began to leave and I knew I had to get back before Rachel got home so that I wouldn't get in trouble.

Nico left to go back to the inn all the omegas were staying in while Amara and I walked to a quiet place where I could change back and leave without anyone noticing.

But little did we know, an unexpected encounter awaited us at the threshold of departure.

As we approached the exit, someone seemed to have followed behind us

"Hey!" She called out to us, "You two!" Amara and I both froze at the familiar voice.

Oh No...

My heart dropped.

"Turn around," She demanded and my sister and I slowly turned our heads, first looking at each other as we made the turn, then looking back at the woman who stopped us.


This is the worst-case scenario.

We found ourselves face-to-face with my stepmother. I did not expect her to come here. Why would she leave the party and walk all the way to the Omega retreat when she's an Alpha werewolf??? Her presence was as surprising as it was unsettling. She stood there, slightly swaying, a silhouette against the dimly lit background.

I looked at her in fear, unsure what to do here. I did not think she'd come here, ever. I get that we're far from the other omegas and the place we are standing at is pretty much desolate, but that's exactly what I needed to get out of here!!

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