Our feelings

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The original painting which consisted of Rachel, her real son Mael and her husband, also our father, was now in the living room wall, above the fireplace.

It gave me a sense of peace to look at that. It made me happy that even though Mael's not here, he's found his way back to where he belongs.

This is how things should have been from the start.

I let out a deep internal sigh and then glanced at Amara, she was looking around the place while she stood right next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

'The house seems so lonely...' She signed the words as she looked back at me, 'So desolate.'

There was indeed an odd silence in the place, as if the place had been abandoned.

"Yea..." I nodded, "There's no one here to add color to the place. Just step-mom, and I think even she doesn't come back home much since she's busy with the company."

I wonder how awful she felt whenever she came back to this house? I looked around the place, turning my head to see everywhere in the eerily silent house.

Then I let out another sigh. It wasn't this quiet when I was living here...

Amara poked my arm and I looked at her, 'How was your relationship with Rachel?'

"Well," I folded my arms, "As long as I played Mael, we were on good terms." I stared at the painting, "We've gone on family trips and there were plenty of good times but-" I took a deep breath, "When I made mistakes though," My gaze dropped, "It was hell."

'Why did she have such violent outbursts? Was it because you were about to expose yourself?'

"No," I shook my head, "I don't think it was that."


I felt further down at her words, "I guess she was trying to find the real Mael in me." Amara took my hand, "As dad had."

'That was never going to work.' She signed, 'What do you feel about Rachel?' She asked, 'You must have hated her when she discipled you.'

I nodded, but didn't give her a verbal answer, "..." I looked away but something caught my attention, someone, who was standing at the top of the stairs


"I don't know, I mean, it's impossible not to when you were getting your ass beat so hard but I don't hate her as a person," I spoke in a lower tone as I watched Rachel descend the stairs, "But I'm sure she must hate me."

Amara noticed my gaze and followed it to spot Rachel who paid us no heed as she came down the flight of stairs and walked past us.

"But if I think about it, the real person to blame should be dad." My sister watched me as I talked quietly, "If he didn't lose his mind, Rachel would never have let me stay here as Mael." I glanced at her, "She did it for him."

There was silence there, and we watched Rachel leave the house. It made both of us wonder where she was going in the middle of the night but both of us had an idea as well.

There are times she goes to werewolf events like the omega retreat where she got herself hammered and showed a side to her to both of us that we could never have imagined. But she probably doesn't remember.

I looked at Amara

And we never bring it up either.

'Although mom is the culprit behind dad's affair, if I were Rachel, I would not have done this for my husband's sanity.' I chuckled at her words.

"Honestly," I placed my hand on the back of my neck, "I would kill Eli if he did anything like this."

'I don't think she hates you.' Amara said

"What makes you say that?"

'Just, I get a feeling.' She shrugged,

"Well," I began to walk towards the room I used to live in, "I hope it's that way."

'Why are you worried about her?'

"I'm not really worried, I just want all of us to move past it and live our lives."

That's when I recalled the incident past which I could never really bring myself to despise her

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