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Unlike how confidently I went and talked to another hunter, I didn't talk about pairing up with any of them. I just talked about good spots to paint and walked away.

It was good enough to persuade Asher and he went into the forest the moment he saw me talk and mingle with the other hunter but I went after him. Discreetly following him just to make sure he didn't die on me. I'm not worried about him or anything, I just want anyone dead.

That idiot, why is he so persistent about hunting?!?!

In the sprawling expanse of the forest hunting grounds, he moved with an unsteady gait, a figure struggling against an invisible force. The world around him was tilting and swaying. It was as if the very ground beneath his feet conspired to trip him up, sending him stumbling and falling at unexpected moments.

I rolled my eyes at him

What an idiot!

As he went deeper into the forest, his movements grew increasingly erratic. He stumbled over exposed roots, his hands grazing the rough bark of trees as he fought to regain his balance.

Every attempt to regain his footing was met with failure, and he found himself falling again and again, and all I could do was shake my head at him in disappointment.

The frustration was etched on his face as he pushed himself back up, but each time he pushed himself I felt frustrated too. Like damn boy! You should learn by now that it's not possible for you to hunt in that condition!!

That's when he fell face flat, startling me.

His fall drew the attention of those around him. Other hunters who were passing by the same trail exchanged concerned glances, and it made me feel bad.

I pursed my lips in frustration but didn't go to help him out.

He should just quit! What is wrong with him!?!?

"Is he okay?" A group of his peers approached, offering to help, "Asher? You look pale, need help?" I watched from far away, hiding behind a tree.

That's right. Tell him he looks sick and take him away! I sent a mental message to them with all my might but Asher waved them off with a determined shake of his head.

HELL!!!! WHY!?!?!?

And the weird part is, the others actually went away! Like why would you leave a sick person!!? GOD!!??

My wolf scolded me, she told me it was my fault and that I should be the one helping him but I ignored her. Like hell I would help him! I stayed hidden behind the tree as I continued to stalk him.

He stood up again and started going up the mountains. However, as he persisted, his condition became harder to ignore. His movements grew slower, more labored, and his falls more frequent. His vision blurred, it looked like his head was swimming with confusion. It was clear that something was seriously wrong, and his dogged determination to push through only seemed to exacerbate the situation.

Damn it...

I let out a sigh as he fell once again.

I pursed my lips as I started to feel super guilty.

As he attempted to stand once more, a particularly violent stumble sent him crashing into a thicket of bushes.


It made my heart skip a beat and I almost ran up to him. His body collided with the ground, and for a moment, he lay there, unmoving. This time there wasn't anyone around to help him or ask him if he was alright.

No one but me but I still didn't move to help him.

The realization that he was in trouble, that his condition was far worse than he had initially thought should sink into his brain now. He should be able to tell he can't continue this! He should leave now!!!

I watched from my hidden vantage point, hidden by the foliage, as he struggled to regain his footing. My wolf urged me to rush forward, to offer assistance, but I held myself back.

No! I'm not helping that sorry being! I'm going to stand here and watch as he quits!! I nodded to myself and stayed put while he was sitting on the ground holding his head in both his hands.

"Ow," Soft groans were leaving his lips and they were tugging at the strings of my heart but I refused to give in.

NO! I can't give in! Maybe it's better if I don't follow him and go my own way. The more I spy on him, the worse I feel

I nodded to myself and turned around to go on a separate route but just as I did, I heard something that made me freeze in my path.

A chilling growl cut through the air, freezing me in my tracks. My gaze shifted back, from him to the source of the sound, and my heart skipped a beat. Emerging from the shadows was a majestic tiger, its golden eyes fixed on Asher while Asher on the other hand hadn't noticed the beast.

What the hell!?!?!?

Fear surged through me as I realized the danger he was in but that buffoon had no idea he was being targeted. The tiger moved with calculated steps, its powerful muscles propelling it forward in a deadly pounce.

OH! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!

Without thinking, I sprang into action just as the tiger jumped towards him. Adrenaline flooded my veins as I lunged forward, my instincts taking over. I raced toward Asher, my voice cutting through the tense air as I yelled, "Watch out!"

His head snapped in my direction, his eyes widening in surprise and confusion. The moment hung suspended in time, the tiger's predatory gaze fixed on him, its sleek form poised to strike. It was a race against the inevitable, every heartbeat echoing like a drum in my ears.

With a burst of speed, I reached him just as the tiger leaped, my arms wrapping around him. The force of my tackle knocked us both to the ground, my body shielding him as we rolled down the hill.

Neither of us opened our mouths to scream or yell and we simply rolled down till the time we crashed into a tree that put a stop to our seemingly endless slide. The world spun around us as we landed but at least I got Asher out of harm's way.

"Woah," I slipped my hands away from Asher as I tried to steady myself, "Damn it..." My mind was still on a rollercoaster and it took me a few seconds before I got a hold of myself but I didn't get the leisure of relaxing since I heard a twig snap and shot my head around.

It was a split-second reaction where I solely relied on my wolf instincts to help me. The earth shook beneath the weight of the beast as it attacked again. I barely had any time to react before I took Asher and rolled around the tree, as the tiger which had followed us down passed over us, the force of its missed attack leaving a gust of hot air in its wake.


We barely managed to dodge that!!!

My heart raced, my body trembling from the rush of adrenaline. I held Asher close, our breaths coming in ragged gasps as we lay there on the other side of the tree trunk, safe for the moment but I had my eyes on the beast that landed a few steps away from us.

It turned around to look at me and we both locked gazes while I kept Asher in my embrace.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now