This feeling

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Killian walked towards the river, shifting back to his human form as he was about to step into the water and I looked away shyly because I didn't want to be a creep and stare at his body.

"Woah!!" A gasp escaped his lips, making me look at him again


It wasn't intentional but I saw him naked, which made my heart skip a beat and my wolf howled in delight. She completely forgot about how Killian just killed another beast brutally and all she wanted was to go and sit down on him.

He hadn't washed the blood off of himself and the way it was splattered on him, sort of made him look extremely sexy

My cheeks flushed at her intentions and at my mate's body. My heart rate sped up and I felt a little hot while Killian stared to his left. He was looking at something in the water.

"There's a huge snake slithering his way in the water." He finally turned to look at me and I looked away immediately, pretending that I never saw him or his body, "Like Damn..." His voice sounded concerned, "It looked like an Anaconda."

I wasn't really focusing on what he was saying though, I couldn't stop thinking about his naked body and how nice it was.

I gulped, then licked my lips and closed my eyes

Stop it, Amara!! What are you doing?!?

I then heard him splash into the water. He must have dived in to wash off all the blood because, after the dive in, I could hear him splash the water on himself. I turned slightly to look at him. He was rubbing his chest and arm, letting the cold water slip the dye off of him.

I gulped again even though I could only see his shoulder and above now but my wolf was being an ass, telling me to take off my clothes and go over to him and help him out, to get closer to him, and to touch his skin.

My cheeks flushed and I looked away again


I can't do that! This is wrong!!!

My skin shivered and I ended up sneezing, "Achoo!!" Then I heard the sound of splashing stop, "Achoo!" I felt a little cold.

"Amara?" He called my name and I turned to look at him. He was at the edge of the water, his body still submerged in, "You should take those clothes off."


What?!?! I looked at him weirdly. What did he just say? I narrowed my eyes and glared at him.

He raised his arms up!

"I mean!" He defended himself, "They're wet and you'll catch a cold in them!" He turned around, "I won't look, so just take them off and shift." I kept my eyes on him, "I just don't want you to get sick." He brought his arms down and kept looking away.


My body was shivering a little and I knew he was right, so I stood up and turned around to take my clothes off.


The sun was setting, and soon the sky would get dark and so would the forest. We need to find a place to stay the night. Considering how we got entangled with a tiger and I even saw a huge snake in the water, it's best not to sleep out in the open when Amara's here.

The sound of wet clothes rustling perked my ears up and I couldn't help but sneak a peek.

I slowly turned my face around as my heart started pounding. I gulped, afraid she would catch me peeping. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't help it!! More than myself, my wolf was even more excited.

I bit my lower lip and turned around.

A bare back came into view.

My heart skipped a beat as from the corners of my eyes I saw her unbuckle her bra and take it off. I gulped, my wolf howled in my mind in excitement as I stared at the lovely curve in the middle of her back.


I licked my lips as the milky white skin caught my attention. The slim delicate figure made my imagination run wild. I wanted to touch her, to glide my fangs along that spine, to lick her skin, to pepper it with kisses. I wanted to embrace that petite body and mark it as mine.

Amara's hands reached for her panties and I found my breathing get a little intense but that's when she suddenly turned her head around, almost as if her senses caught that something was wrong.


It happened so fast that I panicked and dunked myself in the cold river water.


My heart skipped a beat and I mentally cursed at myself for almost getting caught. But wait! Did she catch me?!? OH! I hope not!!

I slowly rose from the water and turned to look at her.


She was staring right at me and it gave me a scare.

'Aren't you getting out?' She linked her mind with mine since she was already in her wolf form.

"Oh, yeah," My heart was still drumming in my chest, "In a minute." I did an awkward laugh, pretending as if I hadn't commit a crime, "I just need to get the rest of the blood off of me."

She nodded at me and backed away a little but the truth is, the blood is all washed off. I just can't get out because of my own stupid actions.

I sank myself in the water again.

Because I chose to peep at her! I looked down at myself.

It's up!


I laid down on all fours as Killian washed himself thoroughly in the water. He then shifted in the water and then jumped out.

His wolf shrugged his fur, splattering the water off of him and then he came over to where I lay and circled around me. I watched him as he did a happy little dance around me, his wolf telling mine that he was happy with me here.

'Amara?' He spoke in my mind as he came and lay down in front of me, our noses a few inches apart.


He smiled when I talked to him. It was like just listening to my voice made him happy or something but I wasn't expecting him to be so excited that he would ask me something so intimate.

'Will you spend the night with me?'

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now