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Killian slammed his hands on the walls of the empty classroom, caging me between his arms.

"You keep running away." He seemed a tad bit angry, "How many times has it been now?"

I bit his hand and ran away but he ran after me. I escaped into a building that seemed empty but Killian was fast. He caught me right after I entered the building and dragged me into an empty classroom and now I'm trembling between his arms.

"I said I just wanted to talk." He said, his voice wasn't angry but it wasn't calm either, "So why can't we talk? It's just talking, I finally got you to listen to me and you ran away again!" His voice also carried a sense of dread, "Why?"

I pursed my lips softly then raised my hands.

'I don't like it,' I told him, 'People giving me too much attention.'

"Why?" His tone lowered down after I gave him a reason.

'I just don't,' I replied, 'They give me weird stares,' I signed with my hands but I didn't look at him, 'They make me feel like I'm a weird person...' I paused my hands, 'I'm not a-' I paused again, 'I-,' I felt miserable all of a sudden.

I heard it back there when the people said that there was no way Killian would be going out with someone like me. It didn't just hurt me. It hurt my wolf as well. They ruled out the possibility simply because I can't speak...

I was about to bring my hands down when he grabbed them and clasped them between his, "Say it," He demanded, "Tell me, what do you want to say." I raised my head to look at him and I just stared at him when he spoke, "I'm listening," His hands gently squeezed mine, "Tell me what's bothering you."


He let my hands go while my mind kept replaying his words

He's listening... I found his words oddly comforting. He's listening...

My hands were suspended in the air and I was unsure if I should say anything or not. Or if I was going to say anything, what was I going to say?

I let out a soft exhale.

'Do you think I'm weird?' I signed it, not expecting him to give me a firm answer or one that would make me feel good, but

"No," Not only was his answer firm, it also came immediately, without any hesitation, "Not at all." It was so bold, it made my heart flutter.

I was reminded again, that he could understand everything I was saying and it made me beyond happy.

'Why?' I asked, 'I can't even speak.' I put a finger on my lips, 'If someone takes these away.' I tapped my hearing aids, 'I can't listen either.'

"So what?" I looked at his firm face, where there was no doubt, "You think that makes you weird?" He raised his brow at me, "Why would you think that?"


I blinked at him in confusion. A mixture of surprise and bafflement filled my heart as his words sank in. In a world where I had often felt different or excluded, where I often felt like an outcast, he was making me feel good.

'Because... it's not normal?'

"Huh?" He tilted his head in confusion, "Not normal?" He stared at me, "Fine, let's say it's not normal. Everyone around you can communicate with their mouth, you can't, so what?" He asked, "You can still convey what you want."

I didn't know what to feel about this statement. He wasn't wrong but he wasn't right either.

'People with disabilities are looked down upon.'

"Only scums look down on people with disabilities." He rolled his eyes, "Just because you have a disability, doesn't mean you're weird."

I didn't think it was possible, but knowing that he didn't find me weird sent a wave of relief washed over me but at the same time I knew this wasn't going to work out. I know the mate bond between us is making him like me and he's ready to put aside everything else for now and tell me it's not weird but he'll find it weird soon enough. He must be finding me amusing, there aren't a lot of people like me.

My heart dropped at my own thoughts but I told myself this was better. Reality is always harsh and I've already seen how much people, especially the elites and the Alpha werewolves love their status and their image. They would choose that over trivial things like a mate bond.

And I know a person like me can never fit into that criteria they seem fit for a partner.

'What did you want to talk about?' I asked, 'I have to go home soon.' I looked away again.


I felt his gaze on me. He probably noticed how I was deliberately looking away from him but he didn't pursue that topic, "What else?" He said, "I want to talk about us being mates."


Ah, right... we didn't talk about that topic... From the start, I kept running away, so this is the first time we were actually having a proper conversation.

'What about it?' I asked, then paused as a thought crossed my mind, 'Are you going to reject me?'

"What?!" He grabbed my hands again, "No!" His loud denial made me look at him, "Why would I reject you when you're my fated pair!!!"

He caught me off guard and I shot my head at him in disbelief. I stared into those blue eyes of him and he stared right back into mine.

"All this time were you thinking that I would reject you?" He frowned, "Is that why you kept running away?" He kept staring at me, "No, I've been trying to approach you to ask you to be with me."

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't believe my ears. Did I hear that wrong? He wants to be with me? What? What?! WHAT!?!?

My eyes went wide and I felt flabbergasted.

What is he saying?!?! Why would he want to be with me? Am I sure I heard that right? He wants to be with me!?!?

I shook my head at him and he was surprised, "What?" He kept his eyes on me, "You don't want to be with me?" I saw the color fade from his face, and he looked devastated, "You don't want to be with me?" He asked again, this time in a lower and desperate tone.

I shook my head at him again.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now