My Father

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I turned around to look at the person approaching me.

"Who are you?" The nurse asked again as she stomped her way to me, "You can't be here unless you're a family member!"

OH, shit!

I began to panic. I wasn't sure what to tell her! Or how to tell her that I was family! Maybe I didn't look like one and I was never there with him when he made public appearances but I was his family...

My heart dropped.

Oh! Gosh!

Should I have asked Grace to come with me? No! I shook my head. I can explain to her that I'm family!

I looked down at my phone to type, then paused.


What if Dad doesn't recognize me?

I looked back up in horror again when the nurse stopped in front of me.

"Girl?" She glared at me, "Who are you?"

I felt my heart drop and I moved my head to look back and point at Dad to give her some kind of hint or something like that when an arm came and leaned in front of me,

"She's my daughter."


I froze, and then my head slowly rose to look at my father while my heart started beating louder. The seconds hung heavy, and my heart drummed in my chest, the suspense almost unbearable.

"Oh!" The nurse looked surprised, "I apologize, Mr.Alma," She bowed, "I won't disturb the two of you," She kept it short and turned around to run away feeling a little embarrassed.

I only glanced at her, then looked back at Dad while he turned to look at me at the same time.


My heart skipped a beat and I looked back at him with anticipation and some weird sort of hope.

A slow, genuine smile played on his lips which was also soft and subtle. It was a moment of profound relief, the unwinding of a tension I hadn't fully realized I was carrying.

"Hello Amara," His voice, warm and familiar, called my name

He knew!!! He recognized me!!!

Despite the infrequency of our meetings, despite the years that had elapsed, he recognized his child in front of him!!!

A cascade of emotions swept over me—gratitude, joy, and a tinge of sadness as well. The fear of being a stranger to my own father, a fear that had lingered in the background, began to dissolve.

I leaped towards him without thinking and wrapped my arms around him to hug him without thinking that he might not want it.


I wish I could call him that! I wish I had my voice with me!

I hugged him tighter.


I wish I had gotten to do this sooner.


There was a pause, he didn't move and that's when it crossed my mind.


Am I forcing myself on him?!?! My chest tightened and I felt a boulder of guilt sweep over me.

Oh no...

What am I doing? I loosened my grip around him and began to back off when I felt his hand come to my head.


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