My hunter pair

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I stopped right at the entrance of the forest and rethought things.

The forest is dangerous.

I shouldn't go in alone... What if I get in trouble? There's a high chance of things getting bad rather than good.

I turned around.

I should at least try and ask people for help. There are many hunters here, someone might go in with me!

I nodded to myself and approached the group of fellow werewolves, my heart raced with a mix of determination and apprehension. I needed someone to accompany me into the forest to complete my task, but I was well aware of the challenge I faced. The fact that I couldn't speak made the situation more complex, but still, I needed to try.

I took out my phone and opened the text-to-speech app.

Gathering my courage, I walked up to a group of three men and gestured toward the forest, my hands moving with purpose to convey my intention. They all stared at me and I let the app speak.

'Would any of you be my pair for the hunt? I can't go in alone, the task requires a partnership. I need to complete this assignment.' But the uncertainty in their eyes was difficult to ignore. The three of them stared at each other.

"Um," One of them spoke, "It would be difficult to pair with us,"

They gave me a sympathetic smile but shook their heads, "Yea," The other one spoke, "Neither of us is going to pair up with an artist." A hesitant refusal that cut through me. "Sorry," Their eyes focused on my hearing aids. I could feel the weight of their concern, their worry about venturing into the forest without clear communication. It was frustrating, and the limitations of my condition made it hard to express the urgency and importance of my task.

'It's okay," I let the app do its work, 'Thank you,' I turned around to look for someone else. People had mostly paired up by now and it was making me nervous.

Undeterred, I turned to another werewolf, my gestures more animated this time. I pointed to myself and then toward the forest, 'Excuse me,' It was a female this time and she looked at me with a frown, 'Would you like to pair up with me?' Attempting to convey my determination and the fact that I needed assistance, I did my best to look confident but her hesitant glances at my phone and my ears revealed her doubts.

"Oh," She looked away, "I already paired with someone else."


I nodded at her, 'I see,' I turned around and walked away. Looking at other people and wondering who I could ask about the pair up but I could sense the skepticism in the air, a reluctance to commit to something that might involve risks they couldn't anticipate.

People were avoiding meeting my eyes and the fact that I couldn't speak seemed to amplify their concerns, casting a shadow of doubt over my ability to lead or communicate effectively.

As I moved from one werewolf to another, I felt a rising frustration and desperation. I was met with polite but cautious declines, which only made me feel bad.

Oh, God!

Why did I choose to come back and ask for help? I knew full well no one would want me...

I turned around disappointed and left. This time for good.



A surge of panic clawed it's way up from the depths of my stomach as I scanned the surroundings, my heart hammering against my chest. The bustling activity outside the forest seemed to close in around me as I realized Amara was nowhere in sight.

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