Chapter 2: To Stohess

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First person POV: (Y/n)

It didn't quite surprise me when Hange announced that we'll be taking a trip through Stohess District to pick up someone from the Wall cult since they seem to know things about the Walls that no one else does. Pastor Nick, for example, knew about the Titans in the Walls, but due to stupid religious vows, he has never said anything.

Armin and Mikasa are quietly playing with Loki while Eren's asleep. He's still tired. Even a week after, but he did hold himself upright in that fight and didn't fuck up until the very end.

When I showed up with my cat to the cart, Hange just stared for a moment before shrugging and going about their way. Levi though, looked like he might have a heart attack and when he asked me what I was doing I explained that leaving the cat was not an option. He didn't seem to agree all that much but I ignored him as he started going off about me being irresponsible about all this.

I asked Hange if I could take the cat with me on the ride to Stohess, and drop him off there at an acquaintance's house. They were fine with it since we have to stop there anyway.

"Where did you find this kitten, (Y/n)?" I hear Armin's voice ask.

"A nearby town," I don't bother explaining everything else to him, it's stupid why I even too Loki in but I don't regret it. Why should I? I always wanted a cat anyway.

"We're nearly there," Hange announces as we near a building in the Stohess District. The place where we're picking up a Wall cult member.

I pick up Loki from where he sits near Mikasa's feet and cradle him against me. The person who I'm hoping with take Loki in lives nearby as well so it'll take me about ten minutes there and back, maybe fifteen. I guess I'll see.

The cart comes to a stop. Hange hops off the cart, after them Mikasa and Armin and then Levi. When I stand and got to get off the cart, I realize that I can not just jump off, and my hands are kind of too occupied with Loki to grab onto something.

"Levi," I say. He turns to me. "Could you—" Before I suggest that he take Loki until I get off, he's at the edge of the cart. His hands are on my waist, and he's lifting me off the cart.

I yelp before my feet touch the ground.

"I just wanted you to take the cat," I mutter to him when his hands pull away from me.

Levi clicks his tongue; "You would have needed help getting down either way." I roll my eyes.

"Levi," Hange calls. Said man turns to them, I too look at them. I instantly want to end my existence. I see a mischievous look on their face.

"Why don't you go with (Y/n) to make sure she doesn't hurt herself," they say. I glare at Hange's back when Moblit comes to whisk them away toward the Wall cult building.

"You don't have to, I won't get kidnapped," I say and head toward the street the person lives on.

"Hange thinks otherwise. . .I think otherwise," Levi says and catches up to me. He pulls off my hood, and when I start to snap at him, he says, "You don't need that right now. We aren't on a mission yet."

"I know. I just don't like all these people knowing that 'Euphoria' actually has a name and a face," I mutter, pulling the hood up again.

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