Chapter 11: Icarus

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First Person POV: Levi

I have no idea what happened there to make (Y/n) shut down like that on the walk back. I didn't pry either. She'll talk when she's ready. I just hope that she does trust me enough to do so.

By the time we got back, she had thrown on that mask she always resorts to when things go south and locked herself into the room she was given, conveniently leaving me with the two cats.

I don't like the fact that she's shutting me out after we agreed to figure things out together, but there's little I can do when she refuses to open her door.

So here I am again sitting in my room, this time with two cats, and try to decide whether or not I made the right decision with my Squad. They have potential, like I told (Y/n), I just know whether I have enough patience to deal with these little shits day to day.

A small mewl to my right notifies me of Loki's presence. When I look down at the black cat, I can't help sighing and picking him up and placing him on my desk. He immediately starts sniffing around my stuff. The white kitten, sitting on the armchair Hange, was at just a few days ago, has laid his head down, and sleeps peacefully.

Loki sits himself down right on the paper I was currently trying – emphasis on trying – to read, so I give up on that. Instead, I stroke the cat's soft fur and lean back in my chair.


"Do I want to know?"

"Knowing you; you don't," Hange replies with one of their smiles. "But I'll tell 'ya either way! We're holding Pastor Nick in our custody until he's ready to reveal more information, and there are the torture plans!"

I give them a blank stare.

"Of course, I'm sure we won't need 'em, but it's good to be prepared," they go on. I don't know if I should be concerned about Hange devising torture plans or if I should dismiss it like most of their antics. Probably the latter.

I push the door behind me closed and let the cats in my hands to the ground. I was bored, okay? And I couldn't leave these two in there alone. I can't risk them tearing some shit up.


"They're (Y/n)'s," I offer no other explanation until I sit in an armchair in the room, "The black one's Loki, the white one is new and doesn't have a name yet."

Hange stares at the two rascals in their room. Suddenly a large smile blooms to their lips and they nearly fall off their chair to the ground, grabbing the nearest cat, the white one, and brings him to their chest, despite the kitten's protesting mewls.

"How didn't I know she had two?" they turn to me.

I klick my tongue before answering, "Because she picked the white one up today."

"Really? Why doesn't it have a name yet?" Hange looks at the cat in their arms, still struggling to get free. They let him finally.

"(Y/n) locked herself in her room and left me with her cats," I reply, resting my chin on my fist.

"Well, this little guy needs a name, though! I shall name you...Icarus!" they declare and grab the kitten again, gentler this time, and the cat actually settles in their arms.

"You'll be the one to break the name to her," I say and keep my eye on Loki, who's currently squeezing himself under a dresser. I don't even want to know how dusty he's going to be when he gets out from there.

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