Chapter 10: cats, Cats, CATS.

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First person POV: (Y/n)

"The hell are you smiling about?" Erwin doesn't answer for a few moments. He just turns his eyes to Levi and stares.

He then looks away again, "'s nothing." My brows furrow at the obvious lie.

"You're gonna make me sick," Levi mutters and leans back in his seat. Erwin chuckles, a humorless sound that was, if not a bit terrifying.

"I've been told that since I was a child." His face seems a bit sad now, just for a moment there.

"Is that the reason you're the Commander of Scouts?" I ask from my windowsill. Erwin levels me a stare.

"Ease off, (Y/n)," the man says and readjusts his shirt to put on a show, "My arm was eaten. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. Don't you people have some pity for me?" I roll my eyes at the dramatics my Commander is putting up.

"Well," Levi starts, "you are pitiful." The joke falls with that. I swing my legs down from the windowsill but continue sitting otherwise silently by.

"By the way... Where are Eren and Historia Reiss right now?" Erwin directs the question at Hange. Hange replies without missing a beat. They explain that the two are in a secret location, hidden with the rest of the 104th.

"We can't be rash," Pixis speaks, "It's like a stirred-up nest of hornets out there," he says. I can't help but agree. I've been awake for a total of one and a half-of-day, and I've heard the nurses and doctors speak. Everyone's restless, ready for a war to break out.

"Now isn't the time to spread around the theory we just heard about the Titans, either," Pixis finishes.

"Yes...We can't afford to make any more mistakes," Erwin agrees, "If we look into Krista, we should be able to get on the trail of an organization that knows even more about the Titans than we do. Meanwhile, if we can deploy Eren's powers, we can take back the Walls."

"That is a big 'if', Erwin, you head Pixis, it's a mess out there, and people are more restless than ever before, what if using Eren's power only worsens the situation?" I ask, facing the Commander with cold intent of getting answers out of the man.

"That is a gamble we'll have to take," Erwin replies, looking right into my non-existent soul with his bright blue yes. "Historia and Eren are our most valuable assets right now."

"Your arm was eaten, and you're physically and emotionally exhausted," Levi says, "I felt bad for you, so I went ahead and made some decisions." My attention shoots to him as well. "That includes the new members of my Squad." My eyes widen slightly at that. He'd chosen his new Squad members?

"What Eren needs is to be pushed into total desperation."


"Are you sure you want the cat back?" Levi asks when we walk toward the house where I'd left the said animal. Levi's ankle is now fully healed, and he's been cleared to work and move freely again.

"Of course I want him back! Who do you take me for?" I reply and pointedly let go of his hand to cross my hand over my chest.

Levi doesn't answer, but from the corner of my eye, I spot the shake of his head and a small, nearly unnoticeable smile.

The walk to my aunt's house isn't too far from the settlement we're positioned at, so it's a nice walk to clear my head.

"Who'd you pick for your new Squad?" I ask, and despite myself lower my hands to my sides.

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