Chapter 3: Sensation

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First Person POV: (Y/n)

I made my decision, and no one's going to change it. I'm riding with them. I said as much to Hange, they tried to protest but I didn't give them a chance to as I walked away to take one of the spare gears and my horse – Athena was the one pulling the cart which took us here.

My only problem is that the moment a certain man sees me on a horse, I can never predict what he's going to do. I don't like it, though. I don't like the mystery that is Levi's thoughts when it comes to me. I've understood that he cares. But I haven't yet understood just how much – if he'll let me go with Hange, or if he'll stop me from going by any means necessary. I don't know, which means he cares more. I'd like to hope that the first option is that the understanding of me wanting to move and not just sit still is there.

I keep hoping when I approach my Captain, where he sits near a table full of maps and papers. That same table, around where Hange was giving orders and going over the plan. I've got about five minutes until we're to get moving.

"Captain," I address Levi. When he looks at me, I see the suspicion on his face. At first, I don't say anything when I see his eyes moving to the gear hanging around my hips.

"Speak," his cold voice says when his eyes are back on my face.

"I am going with Hange. You can not stop me," I state, leaving no room for argument. Levi doesn't say a word. Instead, he stands and stares at me.

"You know what you're doing is stupid, right? You should be healing. Letting your body rest," he finally says.

"I'm doing what's good for humanity," I argue back. He scoffs.

"If that's what you want to do, I don't stop you," Levi says. Looking me in the eyes. Something passes over them, too quick for me to tell what it was, but I saw it there.

I nod and turn to walk away, but a hand around my wrist stops me. I turn my head back toward Levi.

Before I know it, he's closer than ever, and our lips meet. It's over quickly. My lips tingle from the lingering feeling. My boy moves before my brain registers it. I grab the front of Levi's shirt and pull him in, my mouth finding his again. I press my eyes closed, letting myself get lost for a moment. Just for a moment.

Hands on the back of my head and under my chin make me sigh and melt just the slightest bit.

When I pull away, my face is red. It wasn't anything crazy but it felt like heaven. The moment our lips met, for a moment, the weight of all my problems was lifted from my shoulders.

Levi drops his forehead against mine, I can tell he's as shocked as I am.

"Please, come back alive, alright?" he whispers, both his hands now on the back of my head.

"I can't make such a promise, and you know it," I whisper right back.

"Promise me you'll try," he tries again. I smile slightly.

"I'll try, Captain." With that, I step out of his reach and head off. My lips still tingle from the sensation of your shared kiss.

I stop by Athena, my fingers raising to my lips. I feel star-struck. I never thought something like this would happen. Ever. Just two months ago, we would have gladly fed each other to a Titan, and now we're here.

I snap my hand away from my lips and force myself to focus on the mission ahead. It was probably just a moment of weakness on both our sides. He's still a bit out of it from losing his squad. I am tired, and the mission ahead is weighing on me.

"(Y/n)!" Moblit calls to me, "Are you ready to go?" he asks.

"Yes!" I call right back and mount Athena.

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