Chapter 6: What the fuck, Erwin?!

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First person POV: (Y/n)

Mikasa’s beside me in a matter of seconds. We near the Shifters fast. We’re at his heels, and the soldiers behind me start taking off their horses and attacking in all directions, snapping their blades on the Titan’s hardened skin.

One of the Scouts gets a grip on Reiner and goes for an attack, but Ymir snaps the wire from Reiner’s skin and throws the man to the ground.

“Mikasa!” I yell to the girl beside me. She instantly glances at me, “You go after Eren, and I’ll try to distract Ymir!”

She nods; “Roger!”

We take off our horses at once. I anchor myself to Ymir while Mikasa stays a little behind and hooks herself to Reiner. Ymir notices my attack just before I raise my blades. She goes to block, but I swiftly cut through the flesh and blind her left eye. She lets out an ear piercing scream.

Mikasa flies past me and right toward Bertholdt and Eren. Bertholdt starts yelling at Reiner to protect them. The movement is fast, and Mikasa nearly misses a small cap between Reiner’s hand and his neck. Right where Bertholdt went to hide with Eren. Mikasa doesn’t waste a second. Instead, goes in for another attack toward Ymir. I angle myself out of the way just when Historia jumps out of fucking nowhere.

“Mikasa, wait!” she yells. Mikasa, lands at the back of Reiner’s head.

“Don’t kill Ymir!” Historia yells again.

“That depends on her, girl!” I respond from Reiner’s shoulder. I am aware that it’s a dangerous spot and that he could swat me away like a fly but I’m willing to take my chances.

“What will she do?! I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way!” Mikasa yells to Historia.

“Wait! Reiner and Bertholdt will kill her too if she doesn’t do what they say!” Historia argues back, “She doesn’t have a choice!”

“There are only so many lives I can value,” Mikasa mutters, “And I decided who those people were six years ago. So, you shouldn’t ask for my pity.”

I know how she feels. There are only so many lives a person can value at once. We can’t save everyone. And Ymir’s getting in the way of your mission right now. So is Historia.

“Are you going to get in my way too?” Mikasa asks the blondie. At that Ymir roars again. Hirtoria yells at the shifter to not fight. Rest of the 104th Scouts are now landing on Reiner as well. Tring to talk to negotiate with the shifters. Everyone’s yelling on their own accord. Jean going on about how Eren’s not his favorite either but things could be solved and Mikasa yelling at them to give Eren back. Connie seems just confused and wants answers about everyone about their reasons – like we all do.

All this yelling makes my head hurt again.

They all see the just yelling and asking questions failing and like one person they change tactics to reminding them of the good times in the Training Corps.

“None of that matters!” Mikasa injects, “Just focus on taking off their heads, if you hesitate we’ll never get Eren back. They’re a threat to humanity. That’s all.” This girl will stop at nothing to get Eren back. But I do agree with her.

“Do you think that anyone wants to kill people?!” The questions startles all of us. I don’t know the voice very well, but I know that Shifters can’t talk in their Titan forms, and Eren was gagged. It has to be Bertholdt. He goes on a while longer about getting blood on their hands and all that shit. Making so sense what so ever.

Something in the distance catches my eye, though.

I’ve seen Erwin’s crazy ideas but this – this probably tops it all. He and the squad he broke off with are changing toward us – the escaping sifters with a horde of Titans at his heels.

I get his idea, I do. Getting the regular Titans to distract the Armored Titan. But he’s endangering o many lives beside the Scouts’. We’re all used to it but not the Garrison and MPs.

“Guys, you might want to hurry it the fuck up!” I yell and a moment after that, from the ground, a Garrison member yells at us too.

The kids all look in the direction of the Titans.

“Everyone! Jump off now!” I yell at the kids and take off myself. I spot Athena still galloping with the group on the ground. I don’t look back to see if they did as I said. I just focus on landing atop Athena and staying stable.

The Titans keeps nearing and I can make out Erwin’s expression. As soon as the Armored Titan collides with the first Titans it slows and most of them attack him.

“All units disperse! Get away from the Titans!” Erwin yells. Everyone brakes off whichever way is more convenient for them.

I still somehow end up with 104th and some of Erwin’s squad including himself.

“Erwin!” I yell, “What the fuck?!” We’ve come to a stop and watch the Titans all attack Reiner.

“Language.” Is his only answer.

“Fucking hell. A warning would have been fucking nice!” Erwin gives me an irritated look but makes no further comments.

“Is this hell?” Jean mutters.

“No. We’re just getting started,” Erwin replies and forces his horse into a gallop again, “All units! Charge!” he yells. Sounds of hesitation sound from around me. I ignore them and charge as ordered.

“This moment will decide the fate of humanity! If we lose Eren, humans will never again inhabit this land!” The Commander yells. Everyone else now starts galloping as well, following their Commander to the very end.

“Take back Eren and retreat immediately! Dedicate your hearts!”

To that people start furiously yelling, letting out war-cries I haven’t heard in some time. These people are nuts When I glance back I see some MPs hanging behind. Fucking pussies. Then looking back forward again I see Reiner braking through the Titans, but at a cost of having to move his hands.

Eren and Bertholdt are completely exposed to us.

“Advance!” Erwin yells ahead, swinging his hand in the air. Out of nowhere a Titan appears. Before anyone could react, the Titan has a hold on the Commander’s hand.

“Commander Erwin!” Someone yells from behind me.

“Advance!” is the man’s response, “Eren’s right there! Advance!”

I don’t think about it anymore, just charge. As much as I am a pessimist and a raging realist, I do understand that this kid is probably our only chance at a future. I force my mind into a calm quiet and ride straight for the Titans.


Word count: 1148

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