Ink Spills and Pep Talks

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The Sphere had really been laying it on me this week. I had had too many injections to count, and each one seemed to hurt more than the previous. I was receiving multiple a day, many of which were aimed at my infected foot, but still the wound only seemed to be getting worse. I even had an argument with Mimpi, about my conspiracy that the Sphere was intentionally trying to kill me. Other than calling me a fool for disrespecting the Sphere, and once again warning me to be ready at all times, Mimpi didn't speak to me. From the few moments I had seen her, she had given me the impression that she was busy and on a whole other level of stress. I didn't ask her about it. I really did not want to know.

     Her random check-ups had continued, but rather than reassure me, it was starting to worry me. It was almost like she was checking to make sure I wasn't in any fatal danger. Like she was finally realizing that what she had forced on me was going to kill me.

     My not so enjoyable week led to a not so enjoyable Clara Molino. Sucked to be Andrews. Despite being surrounded by idiots, I tried my best to be nice. And though there was still tension between Andrews and I, there had been no major argument... Yet.

      It was Tuesday morning, and unsurprisingly, I received another injection. My right eyebrow felt like it was on fire, and my left ass cheek, simply wasn't felt. It had gone completely numb. What use any of the injections would be? I couldn't tell you.

     Putting the crutches aside, I bent down to search the freezer for an ice pack. The Andrews' freezer was filled with food that I'm sure had been there for years. There was a half-eaten cheesecake, and a jar of something that surely was no longer edible, but I couldn't find a single ice pack. I was tempted to quit my search and just place an ice cream bucket to my face, but I vaguely remembered eleven-year-old Andrews and I laughing as Colton sat on the couch with a purple ice pack to his head, after an interesting first date. That had been seven years ago but looking at the colour of the cheesecake I guessed that it been in there even longer.

     I took everything out before finding the small pack hidden away in the deepest corner of the freezer. Just as I reached to grab it, last night's back spasms returned. With a sharp intake of breath, I dropped everything I had been holding, and involuntarily jerked my head back, hitting it on the fridge door.

      I groaned. Shooting up, I almost tripped on a fallen bag of frozen peas in the process. Raising my arm to touch the slight pool of blood on the top of my head, I was hit by another spasm, immediately returning my arm to my side. Arching my back, and cursing under my breath, I tried to position myself into a comfortable position. Clearly there was no doing so. Ungracefully, I made my way towards the kitchen island, leaning on it as I broke a sweat and continued to involuntarily twitch in different directions.

      "Are you alright, dear?" Anna asked.

      Startled by her presence, I turned towards her voice, immediately regretting doing so. "Ow, ow, ow." I froze before returning to my original position. I took a deep breath, composing myself for Anna's sake. "I'm fine."

      A small smile etched her face, but her eyes shimmered with minor concern. Despite my protest Anna cleaned my mess and handed me the purple ice pack that had caused all this trouble.

      "I never thought I'd meet anyone clumsier than Dylan and Easton combined." Anna laughed lightly, as she placed a damp cloth to the top of my head.

      Once the cut stopped bleeding, she handed me my crutches, and let me go before an impatient Andrews woke up the entire neighbourhood with his loud honking.

     I shuffled towards the living room, grabbed my school bag, and heard that familiar, annoying buzzing sound, just before I reached the front door.

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