More Surprises

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It was a miracle that I managed to climb the tree up to my window, which had of lately become an easy task. So many times, I considering giving up, and calling for help, curled around a branch.

     "Mimpi!" I whisper shouted with rage the moment I stepped inside my room, throwing my blade to the ground, and locking the window.

     "I know you can hear me." My furious gaze was directed at the unlit Sphere. "And you may not have any important news to bring me, but I need to talk to you about the dumbass that works for you."

     Yanking off my poor excuse of warrior sandals, I threw them in any direction, hitting the wall. Pain flared in my side with the sharp movement, I winced and held onto my left side.

     "Always a delight—" Her head popped up, voice cutting off abruptly and eyes growing big as she took me in from head to toe.

     The entire left side of my white skirt had turned red. Dry blood had accumulated on my chin, neck, and hands, and the few bits of skin not covered in blood was covered with dark bruises.

     "Oh dear." She winced, black eyes lingering on my hip.

     "Your people are idiots," I started, taking hold of the towel and first aid kit that I had purposely placed on the nightstand next to the window. "I've come to terms with the fact that they can't help me fight. I mean I still think it's ridiculous, but I've accepted it. Still their help, at least after the fights would be appreciated... And Xander? I know you quite like him and think highly of his aptitudes as a warrior, but the moron either can't count or is a huge liar—" I gasped, complaint dying in my suddenly dry throat. I froze, stilling every muscle in my body, as I inched my gaze towards my right. I wasn't alone. In the corner of my room, on the right side of my bed, Andrews was sat on the blue sofa chair. Bowl set between his legs, a piece of popcorn fell from his parted lips.

     Shit. There was no way I was getting out of this one.

    Mimpi frowned, waiting for me to continue until her eyes followed mine to the boy frozen in shock. I just wanted to scream at Mimpi and go to bed. Why did this stuff always happen to me? Mimpi's eyes grew bigger than before, her round face immediately beginning to disappear.

     "Don't go!" I ordered, but she was already gone. I was nowhere near finished speaking with her.

     "Damn it, Andrews," I complained, sending a glare at his seated body.

     In a blink he recovered from his state of shock, prepared to deliver an angrier rant than the one I had been giving Mimpi. Not now. I waved him off, signalling him to give me a minute as I turned my back to him. Groaning loudly, I marched my way towards my desk and gave the Sphere a good smack.

     "Come back," I demanded. "We still have things to discuss, and I need your help. Andrews already saw you and my suit. There is no way out of this... I'm going to tell him everything, so get your face back in here. Don't be an idiot."

     "I no idiot," she retorted, looking affronted. Despite being angry by my words, she glared at Andrews.

    Her face appeared so quickly and so bright, that I stumbled backward, almost tripping on an abandoned sandal. Andrews was quick to stand, as if to catch me. Feeling his hands unnecessarily supporting me, I rolled my eyes.

    "I'm fine," I sighed.

     He nodded, observingly watching my neck, deciding that its wound wasn't horrible. He visibly calmed, until his eyes slid down me body, my lower extremities now visible through the moon's glow. His eyes landed on my previously hidden hip. He blanched. Similarly, to a fish out of water, his mouth open and closed, gasping in search of words.

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