A Day at the Park

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I came very close to pulling the alarm clock out of the wall. Six thirty on a Saturday morning was an inhuman time to wake. After the night I had, all I wanted to do was to sleep, but I couldn't do that. Again, for my mother's and I's sake, I had to act normal.

     About once-a-month mom had a meeting with the church committee. Naturally I was entrusted of the care of the other four. These days really weren't much different than what I did daily. With my dad long gone, mom relied on me to help with my younger siblings.

     She seemed surprised to find me in the kitchen, chocolate pancakes already started.

     "You're up," she stated the obvious.

     "I can't make my pancakes if I'm sleeping. And no one wants to face the kids on a pancake-less Saturday."

      Mom smiled. It was a small one, but it counted. It was the first smile she'd thrown my way in three days.

      She was getting a ride with Rachel, so that I meant I got the van. I grinned. It was nice to take the kids to the park. It gave me a break, and after running around for hours, it tuckered them out. They were much less trouble when they were sleeping. I had even taken them to the dog park last month. Tyler and Tyson chased the dogs, and Bella had a blast chasing the two, convincing the idiots to do even stupider things. Isaiah, though, was a little embarrassed that our siblings seemed to be part canine. Maybe, the regular human park was a better idea.

     "Are you sure you're feeling well enough..." mom started for about the hundredth time.

     "Mom, I feel great. We'll be fine," I insisted, ushering her out of the door.

     "You don't look too good."

     "Thanks mom," I retorted wryly. I was very much aware that I looked like shit, I didn't need to be reminded of the dark circles under my eyes.

      "The kids generally like me, so if I look tired, they'll take it easy on me."

      She laughed, but she still looked unsure. I practically had to push her out the door.

      I only woke the others when I finished my own breakfast. I had learned to eat before they got the change to lick the table clean. When Isaiah woke up on his own, I figured it was a good time to wake Bella and the twins.

      Bella barely said a word, she smelled the pancakes, and bolted downstairs; always the cooperative one.

     I trudged wearily towards the twins' room. I heard the shuffling from afar and groaned. Who knew how long they'd been awake, doing God knows what. Anything was possible with those two. I opened their door ignoring its many warning sighs. Keep out. Danger ahead! Toxic gas. I should have paid attention to that last one. As soon as the door opened, I was hit with an awful smell.

      "What are you guys doing in here?" I demanded, covering my nose with the sleeve of my green sweater.

      "Gupakie," Tyler said, displaying his slime filled hands.

      "Gupakie?" I repeated. "What is Gupakie?"

      They both shrugged, excited eyes focused on their creation.

      "We made it." Tyson looked up at me with his chest held high.


      "We're going to put it in Wendy's sandbox," Tyler explained with an evil smirk.


       What had the poor girl done to deserve this? Wasn't being in the twins' class enough punishment?

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