Unlikely Alliances

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"Hurry up," Andrews called, walking ahead of me in the woods. "We only have five hours left until sunset."

      "Andrews," I grunted, slightly annoyed as I tripped for what must have been the fifth time on a random misplaced rock or tree root. "You're being very demanding for the man walking with nothing but a notebook in his hands."

      Unable to see over the two large boxes, one atop of the other in my arms, I poked my head to the side, hoping he'd see the displeased look on my face.

      "It's not just a notebook," he retorted dramatically, hugging it to his chest. "It contains extensive research on your training, and I have assigned myself the vital role of finding an opening that will allow us to practice everything in this book."

      I scoffed at the ridiculousness of his statement, readjusting the heavy boxes on my hip.

      "I will never understand why you insist on spending all your time with him," Mimpi spoke up, head lit above the Sphere rolling at my feet.

      "It's not often that I agree with you. But I've got to say that I am really starting to question my own decisions too."

       Despite speaking to Mimpi, my tone made it un-mistakenly obvious that the words were meant for my best friend's ears. Pausing his quick steps and looking up from his book, he shot me an affronted look. "You love me, and you know it." He spoke confidently, eyes barely meeting mine before refocusing his attention on his vital role.

      "I'd love you a lot more if you were generous enough to help me carry at least one of the heavy boxes."

      Not bothering to turn my way, he waved my statement off with his empty arm. "I'd love to help you, but this is part of your training. This is the type of thing that builds character."

      Was this a knock-off wax on, was off moment? I scoffed again, shooting a glance down at my feet to assure I didn't step on the illusion of the displayed angry woman. Someone needed to teach Mimpi the definitions of teasing and joke. I rolled my eyes at her narrowed ones, continuing to follow Andrews' lead.

       Right leg bent, left one outstretched beneath it, I reached my fingers toward the muddy ground as I had been instructed.

       "Lower," Andrews commanded.

      Biting my tongue, I did as he said.

      "Back legs straighter— Don't bend your back that way."

      Giving up on his seemingly impossible position, I faced him, helplessly dropping my hands. "No offence to the extensive research you've put into this training session, but I'm thinking you're wasting my time."

      "This is just a warmup." He placed his hands on his hips, a lot more offended than the situation warranted.

      "I listened to your list of benefits of doing yoga and Pilates. I really listened, tried to take you seriously too, but I really don't think this is the most efficient way to help me fight."

      "Core strength—"

       "Andrews," I groaned, drawing out his name. I shot Mimpi an exasperated look, hopping she'd intervene and save me from further torturous embarrassment. She was no help. Next to Andrews' standing figure, who still happened to be holding tightly onto his notebook, was Mimpi's smirking face. She was enjoying this. Biting into her grin and shoulders shaking, the Sphere displayed Mimpi failing to hold back her laughter.

      "She's laughing at me!" I noted indignantly. "She thinks this is ridiculous and is enjoying my embarrassment."

     Shooting a glance at his feet, Andrews met the traitor's gaze. Quickly sobering up, Mimpi looked up at him with her usual displeased expression.

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