Normal Day? Xander to the Rescue

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Three days passed and still no news of the man. I knew it was ridiculous, but the longer I didn't hear of him, the more hopeful I became that he may have survived the deadly fall. Crazier things had happened. The small chance that he was alive was keeping me sane. You'd think I'd be happy to have one less person trying to kill me.

      "Are you sure she's not going to be there?" Andrews asked just barely stepping out of the house.

     "I've got a feeling she'll be out," I explained for what must have been the fifth time that night. I was really starting to regret my invitation. "So, no I'm not sure, but if she's there we'll leave. It's not a big deal, Andrews. And may I remind you that you are in no way obligated to join me."

     "I want to come," he pressed, shutting the door.

     "Alright, then." I pulled him into the driveway. "Let's get go, I'm sure they're already in bed."

     I knew Andrews was afraid of my mother, most people were, but I didn't expect getting him to sneak into my old home to be so difficult. Though he walked ridiculously slow, we eventually made it to the street I grew up on and I was not happy with what I found. Feeling as though a pair of eyes was following me, cautiously I searched my surroundings. Paranoia overpowering, I drowned out Andrews' voice, yet still acutely aware that he was stood next to me. My heart threatened to burst out of my chest at the mere thought of being attacked in Andrews' presence. I could barely even protect myself.

     Slowly inching my head to the right, I caught a glimpse of a purple cloak, situated behind a nearby lamp post and fear rapidly twisted to irritation. He sure chose the best moments to show up. I was tempted to ignore Xander, but he beckoned me over with his long finger. I shook my head, refusing to be ordered around, but the stern look he shot me made it clear that if I didn't come to him, he'd come to me, and I wasn't having any of that. Resisting a groan, I signalled him to give me a minute.

     "Andrews," I began in an awfully fake, sweet tone, interrupting the conversation that I didn't follow. He frowned at the interruption, apprehension settling on his features when he got a good look at me. I was, as he would describe it, giving him my pleading puppy eyes.

     "Oh, no," he said, observing my act of innocence.

      "It's really nothing bad as long as you remain reasonable." I hoped Xander was smart enough to find a somewhat decent hiding spot. Andrews was already dreading my words; he pinched the bridge of his nose in anticipation of my answer. "I need to step away for a minute and I need you not to come with me." Already he didn't like the request. "I promise it's not a secret boyfriend, drug dealer or any other theories you may have. I just need to have a quick chat with this person."

     It took a few moments for the response to force itself out of his mouth. "Alright."

      "Promise you won't follow me?" I requested, already walking away. Though pursing his lips, he nodded and took a seat on the sidewalk.

      Fortunately, Xander wasn't as stupid as I believed. He hadn't just stayed behind the thin post, instead I found him sitting on someone's doorstep, which I didn't really think was any better. I hoped no one was home. He stood when he noticed me; relaxed stance immediately switched to business mode.

      "Must you wear that thing everywhere?" I flicked the purple cloak. "Had Andrews seen you, he'd have probably put it all together."

     "What's with your eye?" he ignored me.

     "Another useless injection, but that doesn't matter. What do you want?" I crossed my arms.

     I didn't want to participate in small talk with Xander. He didn't have to know that my eye had been twitching and watering all day, another seemingly useless injection.

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