Christmas Morning

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To no one's surprise, I awoke before Andrews. Figuring he'd be out for a while; I took a quick trip to the fast-food restaurant that oddly remained open despite the holidays. Not long after my return with a breakfast that Andrews would most likely be able to keep down, he opened his eyes and the first thing his gaze centred on was my smirking face. He groaned noisily before throwing a pillow over his face.

     "Merry Christmas," I greeted. It was almost comical how the roles had changed. He groaned again and removed the pillow to narrow his eyes my way.

     "Not feeling very merry?" I was barely containing my laughter.

     "I feel like my head's going to combust." He cradled his head, shying away from the light. "Don't make me talk. The extra intake of breath is making me want to hurl."

     "So, no special Christmas breakfast?" Colton asked smugly from the entrance of the living room. Dressed in his typical pollo shirt and beige trousers, despite the early hour his golden hair was combed perfectly. Face free of any blemishes, other than a dark freckle atop his lip, his skin was glowing from his morning skin care routine. He was always so put together. I had spent most of my childhood crushing on what I deemed to be perfection, but I had come to realize that I was more the grumpy, messy type.

     Andrews true to his desire of limiting conversation, didn't bother responding to his brother's voice. He raised his arm to flip him off. Colton paid his actions little attention, to my dismay he turned his shit eating grin my way.

     "Morning Carla," he greeted.

     "Still not my name."

     "Those are some interesting marks you've got on your neck." He smirked evilly.

     Not only did I turn pink at his insinuation, but his words also earned Andrews' attention in an abrupt fashion. Though he didn't question it, he did change his position from laying to sitting in a swiftness that had me concerned for his neck. I found his scrutinizing gaze on the mentioned marks.

    "Leave the poor girl alone." Colton's fiancée came to my rescue, swatting his arm before pulling him towards the kitchen. That woman was truly a saint. What she was doing with Colton? I had no idea, but she seemed to keep him in line.

    "And it's high time you learn her name," I heard Ali continue into the hall. "Your brother only mentions her in just about every conversation we have."

    Purple, finger shaped marks on my neck forgotten, a deep blush sparked across Andrews' neck, all the way up to his cheeks and ears. Opening his mouth indignantly before quickly shutting it, he crossed his arms over his chest with a huff.

     "Shut up," he spat, before I could reply. "It's mostly bad things, a lot of complaining."

     "Has anyone ever told you that your lower lip twitches when you lie?"

Rather than waste his breath with more pointless lies, he, a very mature adolescent, stuck his tongue out at me. "Go eat my mother's amazing breakfast," he waved me off, reaching for the Tv remote.

    "You're going to stay here?"

    "Yes," he sighed. "I'm afraid the pancakes won't settle well with my stomach."

    "I'll put a plate aside for you. You can have it for supper."

    "Thank you," he mumbled, cheeks still tainted red, eyes focused on anything but me.

    "You know it's really not surprising that you had so many good things to say about me... I am quite the amazing friend." I reached over the couch for the paper takeout bag as well as the snowflake decorated bag containing his gift. Andrews watched me, brows raised in challenge, waiting for proof of these amazing qualities.

     "To prevent your starvation, I present you with a cure to any hangover and I'm adding a fantastic Christmas present on top of it." I handed him the bags.

    He shook his head at my antics but smiled as he unwrapped the cheeseburger with extra bacon and fries.

     "Amazing, right?" I asked, leaning on the doorway. Andrews rolled his eyes.

     "Humble you definitely aren't," he teased. "I don't feel like standing at the moment but do feel free to get your gift in—"

     "The top right drawer of your black desk. Blue packaging with my name on it," I finished for him.

     "You snooped!"

     "I didn't open it," I defended. "I happened to be looking for something else and, in my defence, it happened to be the day after I found my closet and nightstand content in a mess."

    "Even?" he asked, look of betrayal quickly replaced by guilt.

    "I'd rather like to think you're more at fault," I started. "But it's Christmas. So, yeah, we're even."

     I took a single step towards the kitchen before he spoke again.

    "How'd last night go?" he asked.

     "The kids did great, even the twins behaved. I spoke with my mother... But I'm good now. I'm also really hungry..." Slowly, still looking at him, I took backward steps out of the living room.

    "That's all you're going to say about it?"

     "I'll share all the spicy details of my mother and I's argument when I come back. But the food is going to get cold."

     "So, you're coming back?"

     "Of course," I answered. "I plan to sit my ass down next to yours, watch Tv all day, and stare at you until you feel better."

     Lips twitching upwards, watching me with sparkling eyes, his signature smile was so genuine that I couldn't help but reciprocate.

     "Do take notice of the cleaning wipes in the paper bag. I'm not digging the whole moustache looking dirt on your face." I finally made my exit towards the kitchen, just able to hear his soft chuckle.

     "Clara?" I heard faintly just as I reached kitchen doorway. I skipped back the way I came, popping my head in the living room doorway.

     "Merry Christmas." Andrews smiled.

     True to my words, I spent most of the day watching movies with Andrews and telling him about last night's argument, making sure to leave out the small hint I gave my mother. I should have kept the News comment to myself. I'm sure Laine had caught up with the headlines she had missed and was freaking out. Speaking of the News, Andrews didn't miss my anxious stance when the brief daily episode aired. I held my breath as I waited for the Dead Body Found Alongside River Edge headline. They probably wouldn't post such a thing today, but whether purposely or unconsciously, I'd likely be sneaking glances at the News channel for the next few weeks.

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