Chapter Two:Here comes the bride

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The music in the background increase a solemn song "here comes the bride" was playing and immediately the crowd turn to the entrance all whispering ceased.

The uncomfortable guy also ceased from what he was doing and face the entrance.

A bright white color gown and crystal white glassy hills step in, four ladies dress in white wedding down step in, all in a straight line same gown same

footwear same flower but one thing was quite unusual the four brides were closing their eyes.

Please let the bride eyes remain shut do not open your eyes, take a step forward and another two step

then stop the priest directed the  brides in a quivering voice. The crowd begin to whisper to themselves as the four brides step into the field and everything becomes clear to them.

The groom became uncomfortable as the crowd whispering grew louder and threatening to make the brides open  their eyes.

Austin take care of the noise please be fast the groom said to one of the man in the blue suit.

Austin pull out a pistol and pointed it at the crowd and all chit chat came to an abrupt stop causing everyone to sit still without a single movement.

Then the groom nod at Austin and he immediately drop the pistol, then the groom face the priest and

motion for him to continue. Now let the bride step two more forward and face her left.

Four Bride and a groomWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu