Chapter Ten:Undress(18+)

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Simeon did as he was told, he was big throbbing with life, full and arose
She blush hotly looking at his naked body, he walked over the bed and brought out a long rope

Fear settle in Diana's heart, she was confused on what he want to do

What do you want to use it for she asked, don't worry my lady just watch he said then kiss her sweetly

He walked over the bed pa's then fasten her hands tightly on the bed pad
He did the same to her other hand, now panic was written all over her face, he walked over to her legs and did the same thing exposing her fully

He smiled contented on what he had just done. Diana was about to say something but Simeon shut her up

He applied baby oil on her skin massaging her sensitive spots
He kiss her back and she bit down on her lips to stop the scream threatening to rush out, he did all such of things to her skin

Why are you torturing me like this Diana asked between gasp, I'm not my lady, I'm just showing you what fun is
He stood up and brought out a pack of condom and tear it

Let's go raw, she could not belive she said that even after being tied like a cheap prostitute

She still won't run from this, a smile formed at the corner of his lips
He came to the bed dropping the condom, she felt the head of his cock probe her entrance

He pushed into her and filled her with a long slik thrust
She gapsed at the size and length of his cock invading her femine. He placed his forehead on hers then tired to catch his breath

He whisper on her ears get ready, he slide out of her then jump into her forcefully this time

She could not hold back anything, he drove into her roughly yet she felt no pain but she felt her inner wild
Girl let loose, she yearn to touch him but her hands were tied

She tired to drag him even deeper but he could not go deeper than that, he increased his pace each thrust driving her to the edge of ectasy

She screamed as he slide out and thrust into her and her cry signal her release
She saw thousands lights.

She tried to free herself from the rope tighten around her wrist and ankle, she tried to stay awake as she watch Simeon push for his own release
She could not stop herself from coming again as he pound into her flesh

She watch him threw his head back, his face squeeze in pure delight
His hot hand went deep into her, she cry out again this time orgasm took all from her.

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