Chapter Eight: kiss me already (18+)

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Diana know he was trying to sound harmless but yet she felt her core respond to his words even without the movements of his body.

Okay she was playing a game. She know she will probably regret

His strong arms close around her and her lips parted involuntary when her chest came into contact with his.

His musculine scent and cologne crowd her scent buds.
Who are you? She asked as he rocked her gently, he smiled

She could not see his face as her head was buried in his chest

I'm someone you won't like to know he replied, this statement sent shiver down her spine her, she wanted to run but her body failed her

What's your name? the stranger ask, she knew she don't want to leave any trace with this stranger

she just wants to live in the moment and forget about it tomorrow I am Amelia Diana said, almost laughing at a blunt lie.

He knew that's not her name but he decided to go with that no more questions
I'm Simeon,

Diana looked at his face and smiled Simeon it is let's fall in love in the dark and let's forget about everything it's feels like a perfect night to dress up like a hipsters gets rid of anxiety and emotions.

Let's just have fun the lyrics played in her mind. Diana listen to his heart beat. I can read your mind he said, with a broad smile the next minutes was a whole eternity

of silence, Simone run his thumbs along her jaw then lift her her chin upward then he itch closer

Diana shut eyes and waited patiently for his lips to touch hers but it seems Simeon had his own plans, he bend his head and his lips connect with her neck a moan escape her mouth

He nibble at her neck then her earlobe then he drop feathery kiss on her nose, chin, eyelid then her lips

He peck her the kiss lingering then withdraw, Diana felt herself loosing her patient just kiss me already the voice bounce round in her head

His lips connect with hers and Diana felt a rush of happiness, his hands graze her neck then travel down her gown.

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