Chapter Twenty Seven: Cruel Reality

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A cold shiver run down he spine and she could feel her self-losing it, the blankness closing in so fast........ Angus blink repeatedly then he tried t6o compose himself, he forces a smile at Diana then look away hey here I am... am Angus Richard the sole heir of Drey Richard. Kayla mouth dropped open ... Drey smiled beaming with pride just hearing how Angus introduced himself.

He then turns to Kayla and Diana. This is my eldest son Angus and this is my wife Diana your stepmom, he said and that is Kayla her colleague. Angus walk up to Diana then took her hands causing her to flinch Nice to meet you ....... 

Step mom he said straining his words. He turns to the other lady took her hand then kiss her softly on her and is nice to meet you too beautiful lady, Layla blush staring at the handsome rogue guy standing right in front of her. Angus made to the closest couch then settle in obviously ignoring Diana who was stuck to a spot. 

Kayla gently pushes Diana trying to snap her out of her trance hey why are you drooling over him like that don't be a greedy wife Kayla joked. Diana felt a sharp sting at the back of her eye no this is not happening no it can't be, it just can't be Diana muttered under her breathe then race upstairs Drey and Kayla exchange glance then both turn to Angus 

who attention was pinned to the screen and he pretend to not notice Diana strange action. Uhm I think I need to go see her Drey said to nobody in particular then walk upstairs.

Wont you like to take a shower Kayla said to Angus sitting on the couch opposite him I did get a shower as soon as I get my mind bright in place. He said more to himself than to her Drey push the door open only to see Diana yanking the pin she used to hold her hair in place out. What the hell is wrong with you he said grabbing her hands her face already messed up her make up

 washing down with tear drops. You never told me your son is not a small kid I thought...thou.... thought he is just a teen or maybe smaller Drey... how do you expect me to cope with someone older than me as a son Drey how could you do this Diana said between sobs. Drey stare at her confused but soon settled or her fear of being rejected by Angus Is that why you're like this Drey said with concern written all over his face, is that not enough to make someone look disarranged Diana barked dismissively.

Look I will make sure Angus don't cross his limit okay you don't have to worry am sure he won't stay so long here okay Drey said, then drag her close

For the first time she felt herself relax under Drey's embrace, she felt she was snuggled close into her father's embrace which felts good. Now let's go down and have some lunch okay Drey said releasing her from his embrace

I will be right there just give me a second to clean up she said then force a smile, once alone she turns to her mirror suddenly, she felt so old in the gown she choose earlier, now I'm sure he thinks am a full house wife who dress so...

She felt less pretty then acting on impulse she walk to her wardrobe then pick out a tantalizing dress

Are you trying to seduce your husband son the voice in her head yelled. Diana felt a new sensation between her thigh at the mention of her husband son

What is she getting her self into, why is her world taking a drastic turn of destruction, she shut her eyes tightly maybe I should ask for a divorce but what about Amy....

Help me mom I don't know what to do but I just have to do this for Amy I have to maybe we just need to talk and clear out something

She holds on to thislittle ray of hope then change in her new dress then inhale deeply beforesliding her door open, she walks quietly 

down the stairs trying to clear her mind and act as calm as possible

When she goes downstairs the sight of Angus cracking joke that make Kayla throw her red hair back and laugh wholeheartedly causing her stomach to churn, she felt she could baff right there right now

Hey you're here Kayla said to Diana who froze as Angus turn his gaze to her, I must compliment this muffin is so yummy Angus said between full mouth.

Diana is really a great baker that I can't deny Kayla said freely. Wait till you see the magic she works whenever she's in the kitchen Drey added munching on his muffin

Diana watches the three without uttering a word she just stares at the muffin in her hand. Why don't you just pretend as if he is a stranger

Why aren't you seeing this the small voice in her head said, she could not place a finger on it but she felt a pang of anger

How do you pretend not to know someone... especially someone you fucked all night, she felt blood rushing to her cheek she tried to hide her pink hot cheek but was too late

Are you thinking about something Drey asked... trying to sound normal uhm just thinking about my mom making me and Amy our first muffin

Aww that's so adorable Kayla said smiling, Angus cleared his throat then pushed his plate forward I think am all full, I need to go all shower

Okay you can do that now Drey replied, where is my rom and... you know Angus Asked staring at Diana causing her to move uncomfortably on her sit 

Two rooms to the left close to the basement that's your room, Diana eye widen in shock that's a room just a single rom separating hers from the one Drey just describe

No no no he can't take that room Diana thought in her mind almost shouting out loud, Angus stand to his feet that's great if you don't mind ladies, I need to freshen up he smiles then leaves

"So, what do you think about Angus" Drey asked sipping his wine glass, I think he is cool, sweet and funny Kayla answered rashly before realizing that Drey was not asking randomly but directly at Diana

Diana stare at Kayla behind her long lashes and blink back the tears trying to force it way out. I think he will be a sweet kid she said then push her meal forward

I think I have lost my appetite I need to get something done excuse me Diana packs up the plate then made for the kitchen on her way back she met Kayla who was ready to leave, I'm going to be leaving now just got a call from work catch you later Kayla said then hug Diana briefly then wave her goodbye

Now she's left alone with two troubles "Drey and Angus" are you going out soon Diana said to Drey who was putting on his shoes, yup am sorry have not got to spend time with you since you left the hospital and you've been stressing yourself but. I just need to see how to settle Angus position in the office Drey concluded

Diana felt a heavy weight drop on her, can't it wait till tomorrow she cried in horror, I'm sorry but I will be busy tomorrow so go have a nice nap Diana I will be back soon he pecked her then pick up his car keys

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