Chapter Eighteen: visit to the hospital

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Miss Amy how are you feeling today? just nod if you're okay then blink if you are not. so how are you feeling a lady dressed in a white iron short and neat

gown she look smart in her nurse dress, Diana thought. Amy nodded slowly and Diana smile, the nurse turn to Diana and smile too.

also do you feel quite different from yesterday Amy the nurse asked again this time she did not answer immediately.

Diana and the nurse share an unease glance other shirt and an easy glance ...then she nodded again Diana find herself relaxing again.

your sister is here to see you do you want to talk to her? Amy immediately blink twice and Diana move towards her ...Amy please just some minutes don't shut me out please honey please Diana

said brokenly ..but Amy kept blinking repeatedly I'm sorry Miss Diana you have to leave we can't let Amy get any form of

distress maybe you did come back another time I'm sure she did like to talk to you soon Amy blink again when the nurse said another time

Diana shut her mouth covering the small sob that kept shaking her then drag her feet walking towards Amy bed she touch Amy feet and squeeze them gently

she look at the pipes connected to several parts of her body the bandages, plaster, drips and oxygen tank I know you are still in their Amy just know I miss you please forgive me.

Diana said while the nurse watch with keen interest tho this was not the first time yet she still felt pity on Diana.

Amy move her legs shaking Diana hand away then blink again I'm sorry Diana you have to leave the nurse said

walking over to Diana and holding her shoulders then motioning her towards the door,

Diana glance at Amy one more time then exit the ward the smell of drugs and injection hit her nostrils and she felt sick in her stomach

she felt our feet turning into jelly she could not place a finger on the spot pounding in her head she try not to throw up right in front

of her sister ward she walk quickly towards the hospital exist not exchanging pleasantries with anyone on her way she opened the door and step out.

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