Chapter Twenty-Six; Meeting my step son

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The horrid smell of drugs hit her nostrils causing her to finch from her sleep, where the heck am I Diana thought tiredly she tried to open her eyes but felt drowsy than ever, her eye lid flutter opens slowly immediately a bright light force her to shut her eyes again before opening them again too accommodate the bright light

She slowly let her gaze roam the room she was in, it was filled with blue curtains bunked beds and few syringes and needle she soon realized where she was

In a hospital how did she get here, she was still lost in her thought when a lady dress in short white gown and two pen neatly arrange I n her chest pocket. She approached Diana's bed with a radiant smile plastered on her bright face, her body look so fragile it might break her little frame amaze Diana

She studies the slender Nurse and conclude that she might be in her early twenties, the lady in white raise her hands to examine Diana's drip pant then she brought the back of her hands to Diana's neck then she presses her finger slightly on Diana's right hand pulse. She smiled at Diana when their eye came in contact with each other

How are you feeling Mrs. Richard her sweet voice soothes Diana's heart but first how did she know her the tiny voice in Diana head queried.

Diana eye widen in surprise the Nurse sense the surprise written all over Diana's face, we found your home card in your purse when they brought you here, I saw your name there she said changing the drip bag to a new one

Diana smiled at her she tried to sit up and felt a sharp pain in her head ouch Diana exclaimed let me help you up the Nurse offer gently placing her hands beneath Diana's armpit then helping her to relax against the bed frame. You look better now with you like to eat something the Nurse asked sweetly, nope am full for now Diana replied softly

The Nurse arrange something close to her then open a small bottle which Diana feel it was those injections bottles, are you giving me a shot Diana asked not knowing if the answer was not really clear to her

Yes, and that will be the last for today probably last till you're discharged the nurse replied then she cut a little cotton and wipe a spot on Diana's shoulder here comes the pain Diana muttered under her breath and am done the Nurse announce rubbing the sore spot

Now you just need to rest but before then someone is here to see you Diana inhale deeply let them in, the Nurse nod then walked out of the ward few minutes later Drey walk in worry written all over his face, why is he worried, why does he even care the voice in her head said dismissively

Drey walk up to her bed, his gray hair look messed up a look of disgust cross her face knowing what he had been doing all day. How are you feeling Drey said better than before she replied then turn away from him?

The other send their regards Diana hissed confirming her greatest doubt I appreciate she replied "let's go home Diana" Drey grinned sure let's go home Diana reply sarcastically, soon the two were in the car driving home silently. We are having a visitor over today Drey said finally, Diana stare blankly at the road watching series of car race pass them

Some were horning restlessly Drey exchange few words with those who cross his path, who is the visitor Diana asked absent mindedly "my son Angus" Diana eye widen in shock so soon I thought it will at least take a week before he could come

I'm not ready yet what am I supposed to do Drey could sense the panic on her tone and tried to calm her down, you don't have to do anything you just need to sit back and enjoy yourself Drey concluded

Diana could not hide her irritation "just sit and relax" when a kid is coming over, Drey smiled widely causing his old face to cringe a little Angus is a good kid Diana he won't in any way cause you trouble that I can assure you


   The chattering of plates sends Kayla running into the kitchen to see what Diana was up too, hey what's up with all the rumbling and chaos Kayla said jokingly.

Diana looking so frustrated I can't seem to get the recipe right it looks totally different from what's in the book mine is fine and sweet but quite smaller

I used same measurement but... Diana rant on and dab her forehead with hands covered in dough and flour, Kayla resist the urge to laugh but just staring at Diana's disarranged face she could not help it

Stop it Kayla stop laughing Angus is almost here and I'm a mess Diana said pitifully, okay you know what go get a warm shower and I will make the muffin

Look so yummy Kayla said taking the rolling pan away from Diana, thanks a lot Kayla you're really a darling. Drey will soon be back in the next one hour Diana said walking out of the kitchen Okay Kayla yelled behind her

Making a ten-year-old boy like you won't be so hard could it Diana let her thoughts run freely through her mind as the warm water beat down on her body from the shower

She steps out of the tub then towel herself dry, she sat in front of her long mirror and study herself, she quirts small lotion into her palms then rub them together gently she places her wet palm on her skin so cold and feels good

she applies on her skin humming a song by Taylor swift "tears drop", she combs her wet hair counting to ten as the comb teeth pass through her still wet hair

she walked her way through her clothes not knowing what to settle for I need to look quite responsible I'm now a married woman at least maybe that will give the boy more reason to like me Diana thought out loud. She picked up a long black gown with the touch of white, the white was covered to the top the bottom was covered in flowers and the cloth cling to her body showing off her curves and edges, she turns around in front of the mirror hoping to see herself looking older than she was but the mirror never lie

instead she looks like a teen going for a family reunion, I'm not changing out of this because this is the only decent dress I have Diana said to her reflection in the mirror

The sudden noise made by the gate jerk her back to her senses "Drey is home with a son" the small voice in her head added quietly, she slips her legs into a soft white palm then rush downstairs. Hey you're done already Kayla said her back turn to Diana

Yea took me some time but here I am, Kayla turn to Diana and stop in her track whoa you're looking so good and.... Babe don't tell me you except to look older in that Diana grinning giving herself completely

Sorry to break the news you look younger in that, at least I tried but it's not just the perfect dress Diana replied walking to the dinning Oh you set the tables already, yep sure you spend so many hours in the shower I started thinking I did have to feel in as Angus new mom they both laugh at Kayla open joke

The door swung open and Drey drag a golden color box with a smile of satisfaction plastered on his face, I'm home love he announces the two lady turn to him quite surprise cause no one was behind him. Diana walked up to him then hug him with no emotion, welcome home Drey she took the box from Drey where is the boy sorry where is Angus Diana asked curiously

Wait he will be in soon he said he needed to pick s phone call Drey said walking straight to relax in a sofa unbuttoning his shirt, Kayla and Diana exchange glance "a boy who pick calls how old is he" Kayla whispered to Diana, let's just hope he is small enough to listen to what he is told to do

Diana and Kayla settle into the couch close to Drey, Drey turn on the TV and a music was playing girls in underwear's stripping and dancing, the three were already getting lost in the music when the door was pushed open slowly and Angus walked in the three attention turn abruptly towards the door

Angus pause in his track the moment his eyes connected with Diana's, just hope was is small enough to be able to fuck your sense out on your wedding night the small voice in her head yelled loudly she almost went crazy

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