Chapter Fifteen:Home 2

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Imogen look quite annoyed by the way Diana talk to her, yet she felt a little bit guilt saying those words to her after being denied of information about

our own wedding how do you expect her to act her first wedding was a huge disaster.

what did she say Drey asked  less concern on sighting his sister, but felt a need to ask she's not saying anything meaningful  yet Imogen replied,

motioning Drey to pass her a glass of whatever he was having. don't you think this is too strong for you Drey said shaking the small glass cup are filled with blue wine

I can handle a little alcohol big boy she said smiling mischievously nah nah nah I don't think fedrick will like to share a bed with a drunk lady snoring

right on his face and laying like a log throughout the cold night. enough Drey just pass me the cop already she said stretching forth  charging her

right hand to collect the cup from Drey, now fill it up like a gentleman I take you as. He smiled before pouring Imogen a full Glass of wine take this Milady.

they both laugh and click their glass of wine together cheers. ...... please you need to leave Diana alone okay she did get over this sooner or later Imogen said sipping from the glass of wine

Drey scoff and shruggled his shoulders, I did give her enough money to take care of herself at least the other Brides don't live here with us that's

enough to make her happy and stop worrying about nothing about Drey concluded gluping his last glass of wine.

Do you think all of this is all about your money Diana said resting on the staircase Imogen and Drey turn  to her shocked not being aware of

Her present. at least give me the respect that I'm a lady and it was my wedding my f****** wedding I was locked out of everything you

could have said something then I did know if I wanted the wedding or not Drey ..why?  I hate you so much. you?

Diana do you  hate me Drey said strolling gracefully towards Diana, Imogen sat glued to her sit not uttering a

single word. do you want for Amy to just stay unattended to I know you don't want that Diana so why don't you pretend nothing happened and move on I promise it is only me and you ...

One night won't hurt anyone.... Diana felt her heart in our mouths when Drey said the word one night.

or have Drey found out what happened? no that guy is a total stranger it is not possible.. Diana  tried to reassure herself

I will spend all the time I can with you even all my wealth  is yours but maybe a night or two I did be with the other brides Drey concluded and  let out wicked laugh that rumbled round the room

Diana felt the Nausea rise at the back of her throat are a beast and you are a big fat old beast Diana yelled,

pointing fingers directly at Drey face. let's be calm here babe we aren't talking about our wedding night yet let's have some fun

he said catching Diana fist between his strong palm then dragging her close to his chest  trapping her between his Chest and arm.

Diana close her eyes tightly and try to release herself from Drey's grip but it didn't work.

His breath  splattered on her face each time he breath she  scrunch her nose trying to block out the alcohol smell oozing out of his mouth and everywhere.

please let me go Drey please Diana said her voice breaking as she said. Drey  then brought his face very close to her's their forehead met. He tighten his arms around her waist causing the small space between them to vanish.

He stare at her pale face...her  expression pure  irritation and anger give way to something more weak and vulnerable.

His lips  came down on her's ...she shut her lips tightly, Drey tried to force his tongue into and mouth.

He release  his left arm then clasp  Diana's cheek pressing it roughly causing her  lips to open involuntarily

He thrust his tongue into her caravan, in  the process bruising her soft lips which was already swollen from the wicked tugs.

Diana tried to free herself but his grip was too strong she then decided to try something else.

she jam her teeth strongly on Drey's tongue  causing him to yelp and jumped backward pushing her forcefully to the floor

all this while Imogen pay less attention or no attention to them until she heard the sickingly thud of Diana body against the floor.

Drey don't be so animalistic!!! Imogen cried in frustration  then made to help Diana thanks I'm okay Diana said standing to her feet before Imogen  get to her place.

Diana wipe the blood droplets for her lip with the back of her palm  then walk back to a room without saying anything else.

you don't have to be a beast Drey for goddamn sake...she's still  young for all this you need to be calm around her Imogen said.

I'm trying but that young lady is so sassy I can't help it Drey said lowering his weight into the ash sofa close to the bar.

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