Chapter Nineteen: stepson is coming

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Another day without Amy Diana said to herself she walk towards a green saloon she fumble with her

pause in search of her car key she insert the key gently then jab the car door open she insert the keys then brought the car to life

she tightly wrap her hands on the steering wheel then sigh, she drove out of the hospital garage

and face the road she drove the directly home but on the way her mind wander off from the road.

she kept trying to get her mind back on the road trying not to get herself killed. the ride home was fast and Diana was exhausted.

she pull over the cross away as she stepped into the duplex she love her home but not really the family living in the brightly-painted duplex

that provide the comfort you ever wanted but Drey and his rules seem to set her off every time she stepped into the house

she went quietly to the kitchen dropping and pause on the sofa in the living room she could hear her stomach rumbling been three good days and she

has not had a decent meal since the wedding incident, she felt a lump in her throat she hate reminding herself about the incident that changed

her life. she took two eggs from the egg crate place on top of the kitchen shelf to turn on the gas, then place a frying pan on it she then pour in a small amount of oil

she let it on for a few more minutes then she open the eggs she felt herself smiling remembering days when

Chloe made them fried eggs and bread. she switched the cooker off then the dish the fried egg, she moved to the refrigerator and pour herself cup of orange juice.

She  never like her meal cold so she tried to move as fast as she could. she move out of the kitchen and made for her room when someone and rested his hand on her shoulder.

Diana swallow her saliva then turn slowly only to meet Drey smirking. it is a beautiful day Diana won't you like a more decent lunch maybe take out..

Sound better than a piece of fried egg and orange juice. Diana swallows forcefully trying not to look so irritated by his presence

I'm okay Drey thank you I need to get to my room soon if you don't mind Diana replied, yes yes yes you need your meal, I just

wanted you to know that my first son is coming to town for some talking sense seminar which will be given to him by me his

well successful father, I know he missed my wedding but anyways he is going to make up when he come. He  boast openly and Diana

felt like saying things use to puncture his ego. a son hope he's not as rude and mannerless  as his father and double the problem to male and one Diana. Hope this small boy won't be a

trauma to my home Diana thought in her my mind when is he coming? Diana asked  unwillingly. tomorrow he will be here Drey said then made to leave then turn again to

Diana hope you both make a nice team Drey said  then leave. Diana felt her heart-pounding when he mentioned  team I won't make any team with a bunch of

inconsiderate kids not my step-son not my friends kids. what was wrong with her she love kids Diana try to sort all this stuff out of her mind she walk to her

room then slam the door lock then settled for a lunch, she munch on the eggs silently then a little sip for her orange juice she let out a deep sigh of relief.

this was not definition of decent meal but hungry for days makes all meals seem  decent.. she reach out to her phone

which abruptly stop her from peaceful lunch .... Hello Diana a tiny feminine voice filled the room hey Paige how are you doing

  Diana is Drey ? How is Amy  and how are you Paige said  in an enthusiasm voice. there was a long silence at the end of the line and Paige thought the call got

disconnected hello Diana are you still there? hello Diana!!  Paige I'm here Diana's replied sighing Drey is fine and Amy is still the same she don't even want to talk to me

  I'm a shadow of myself I'm not okay Drey told me his stepson is coming over I don't even know how to handle young

stubborn boys, i only learnt to tend to  Amy and moreover I mean she's an intelligent kid but  boys are bad news

Paige I don't know what to do I'm stuck in a maze Diana concluded then let out a breath she never knew she

was holding. breath Diana breath I know you're a good friend, sister and I know you'll be a great mother be it step mum and I know you will do great Diana.

just buy him toys make him his breakfast try playing some games with him and I know he will learn to love you fast and Drey will be impressed Paige said. But why me

he has three more brides why did he choose me why is his son coming over to my place they're older and more

experienced than me Paige?  Diana lamented. for that I'm sorry Diana I can't answer this for can just ask him

and he might give you the answer you need I have to go now,  Paige I  need to see the doctor soon baby Paige have been kicking so

hard Paige said and Diana could visualize her smiling ohh Paige I'm sorry I was so engrossed in my own issue I forget to ask how is baby Paige and how is the

Checkups going? it's okay Diana I'm perfectly okay but ugly I look like a big fat elephant with my burgeon   stomach. they

both laugh at the statement bye Paige bye...  Diana then hung up shenknew her meal is a big waste now she pushed the dish to the

floor then gulp the last of her orange juice then stare blankly at the door she have to go get Amy to talk to her no matter what it takes.

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