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Two weeks went by, Megatron started to create a strong and deep relationship with Salrahn, even if they don't share the same blood, they share the same bond.
He doesn't care if he's a warlord or not, he cares if Salrahn is alright and healthy, he even made a crib for Salrahn!

One late night, Megatron was laying down on his berth, until he heard Salrahn coo and mewl in his crib. "Hmm? What is it little one..?" Megatron sat up from his berth and approached Salrahn's crib which was nearby. "What's wrong?" Megatron caressed Salrahn's face who is currently laying down in the crib.

Megatron remained silent before letting out a loud sigh. "I guess not.." Megatron walked back to his berth and laid back down, until Salrahn started mewling and cooing louder than last time, this made Megatron become frustrated.. he sat up and looked at the crib with his nearly raging optics, he stood up, approached the crib, picking Salrahn up.

"Night time means sleep time, now. Go. To. Sleep." Megatron said in a firm tone but all he received in response was a giggle. Megatron sighed before he slung Salrahn gently on his shoulder and patted his back to help him sleep, even humming in hopes to soothe the little one.
Salrahn cooed in delight before slowly.. drifting.. to.. sleep.. "Well that worked well.." Megatron thought to himself.

He approached Salrahn's small crib before placing Salrahn in the crib, tucking the young one in the crib before leaning in and kissing Salrahn on the forehead. Megatron has never shown mercy to any cybertronian before.. let alone a sparkling.. Megatron's attitude is changing, the warlord groaned and shooked his head before returning back to his berth.

"Showing mercy.." Megatron scoffed before closing his optics.

"I would never."

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