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Megatron and Optimus glared at each other while Salrahn whimpers in Ratchet's arms, clearly terrified at the situation. The medic attempts to keep Salrahn calm and relaxed but it's hard to during this type of situation they're in. "I'll give you something Prime, let's see if the sparkling chooses me or you." Megatron suggests as he stops in front of the two Autobots.

Optimus thought about it before looking behind Salrahn, he didn't want Salrahn to go back to the hands of his enemy but, Megatron has a point. It's the sparkling's choice to make. "Ratchet.. place Salrahn in the middle of us." Optimus instructed the medic who replied with a shocked expression. "Are you serious? Optimus if I do that what would Megatron do? He would snatch him!" Ratchet says while still shielding Salrahn.

Optimus turns to look back at Megatron who stands up in a rather intimidating posture, Optimus knows Megatron plays fair and square. Not dirty. Optimus turn to look back at his old friend, reassuring him with a nod. 

With the leader's approval, Ratchet feels more comfortable to put Salrahn in between the two leaders. Salrahn whines when Ratchet places him on the ground, reaching out for the medic with a cry when Ratchet walks back to Optimus' side. 

Megatron puts up a playful grin, knowing his "son" would choose him, after all.. he took care of him the following days. Salrahn looks at Optimus and Ratchet then at Megatron, unsure on who to choose. He knew Optimus was gentle and he knew Megatron was kind in heart. He takes turns to look at the two leaders before whining.

It was too much pressure for such a small sparkling.

Salrahn whines before starting to tear up due to the pressure he's having. Salrahn whines before making a loud cry making the ground and canyons around them to echo and shake. The three older bots groan and cover their audio receptors. Salrahn's loud cry was enough to make a bot deaf.

Salrahn continues crying loudly before he stops to just sniffle and watch his tears fall to the ground. The three older bots who covered their audio receptors fall to the ground, groaning in pain.

They didn't expect Salrahn to have such power in crying.

A screech more like?

The SparklingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang