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Megatron looked defeated.

He had him, Salrahn was in the middle.. he could've just snatched him and flew back to his ship. But he played fair, Megatron scowls as his fist clenches before he raises his arm that impacted on the arm of the throne. The Vehicons around him flinches at Megatron's sudden movement, it's like a sudden volcanic erruption.

Soundwave even himself never sees Megatron this angry. 

But he has now.

Megatron grunts, standing up from the throne. "Soundwave, you're in charge for now." Megatron instructed Soundwave who nodded in approval. The warlord then turned, exiting the throne room. The Vehicons walking down the hall stopped and saluted knowing that Megatron is in a bad mood.. a salute can loosen up the anger.

Megatron nodded in approval at the sight as he continued walking towards his quarters.

Once he did, the doors automatically close and lock. "Oh Salrahn.." Megatron sighed. "I have failed you." Megatron lays down on his berth, grunting before he pulls the cover up his large frame. Salrahn was his only priority. He can't stop thinking about his precious boy.

His little one.

The one he had claimed to be his son.

No Vehicons dare to question why he claimed the sparkling as his son, but they knew Megatron always has a soft spot.. and Salrahn was lucky enough to hit Megatron on the soft spot, so lucky that he ends up as Megatron's heir.

Megatron destined that Salrahn would be his sparkling, his little one but the Autobots stood in the way. Optimus and his team. Just a single thought made Megatron snarl.

Megatron now has two priorities in his arms.

Getting Salrahn back.

And killing Prime and the Autobots.

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