Play Pen

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Tomorrow morning, Salrahn was wide awake, he squealed and babbled loud baby noises which made Megatron wake up from his slumber, the warlord groaned before turning to Salrahn who is causing the loud noises.

"What do you want now..?" Megatron groaned as he sat up from the berth. "Babu!" Salrahn babbled as he giggles in the crib, Megatron chuckles to himself before standing up, approaching Salrahn before picking up the small sparkling. "The sparkling seems energetic today.." Megatron thought to himself with a faint smile on his face plate. 

"Maybe making the sparkling a small play pen won't hurt.." Megatron thought before placing Salrahn back on the crib. "Stay.." Megatron told the young sparkling as he slowly opened the door then left to get some supplies so he can make the small play pen for Salrahn, he eventually returned with the materials he needed to make the play pen.

"You'll have to stay here for a while." Megatron said as he placed the materials in a secluded area where Salrahn couldn't reach into it before picking up the small sparkling and placing him down on the berth. Megatron then turned to his materials before starting his work.

A few earth minutes went by..

Megatron finished the play pen, he sighed to himself before placing the tool he used previously used before picking up the bored Salrahn. "Hey, your play pen is finished." Megatron said to the sparkling who's ears perked up and squealed. This made Megatron chuckle at the sight before placing Salrahn on the soft play pen mat. "Go on.. play there." Megatron chuckled.

Salrahn giggled as he looked around the play pen which was filled with toys like firetrucks, rubber duckies, learning toys and blocks. Salrahn cooed at the sight before crawling to where the firetruck was and started playing with it, Megatron had a faint smile on his face as he watched his adopted son play.

"Don't get too used to it now, I might remove that play pen when you're being naughty." Megatron tried to sound stern and strict but it was hard to do that when he's caring for a sparkling.. a sparkling so young that it can feel emotions and always so sensitive when it comes to hurtful words.

Megatron sighed before entering the play pen and sat beside Salrahn who immediately crawled onto Megatron's lap with the firetruck in his servo's, Megatron tensed up and merely sat up straight at the sudden movement of the sparkling. Megatron never felt nor experienced this, but he is right now.. his face plate exposed him, a smile on his face plate, and a faint blush.

He couldn't help it. He loved this new experience and feeling, he wrapped an arm around Salrahn's small body who squeaked. "We're going to be stuck for a while.." Megatron chuckled.
Megatron was growing new emotions and feelings, he's feeling what human fathers feel when they do something so simple that can make younglings so excited..

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