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from the day you arrived

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from the day you arrived. 

I've remained by your side

in chains, entombed

J A C O B ' S CAR CAME TO A SCREECHING HOLT, where Bella and Edward were already outside talking quietly to each other. Eden held her breath as Jacob stormed out, with her following closely behind him. His fists were clenched as he came face to face with Edward. 

"If you ever touch her again, I swear to god," Jacob growled out, his fist clenching Edward's grey shirt as he snarled at him in disgust, Bella quickly attempted to stand between them. She was terrified, and Eden couldn't seem to find anything in her to care.

"So she ran to her little pup, crying for help" Edward replied, chuckling as he glanced at Eden with one eyebrow raised before suddenly Jacob threw a punch, where Edward began to bleed on his barely healed lips. 

Bella held Edward back as Eden did the same with her man, she grabbed Jacob's chest who she knew he wanted to punch the vampire once again. He wasn't satisfied, nor was she as Edward was clearly begging for another fight. 

"I don't need anyone to defend me, Edward. I learnt years ago on what happens when you rely on a man" Eden replied, sneering at the vampire as Jacob breathed heavily behind her. He was struggling to contain his anger and she knew any minute Bella's dad could arrive. They needed to leave quickly. 

"Didn't seem that way when you'd run to Demetri" Edward gritted out, wiping the blood from his lips as Eden froze. She had nearly forgotten about the Volturi vampire who she had once believed she'd love, the very man who'd comfort her and wipe the tears after her father would beat her. 

"Bella, I hope you know the very man you are in love with," Eden said coldly, as she looked at Bella who had tears in her eyes. Eden grabbed Jacob's hand before walking to the car, their entangled hands soothed her anger under the moonlight. As they closed the car doors, she could hear Edward and Bella quietly argue, and as Jacob pressed on the accelerator, driving off she could Bella cry and Edward attempt to comfort her. 

"Demetri?" Jacob gently questioned, breaking the silence between them. His tone wasn't accusatory, rather it was comforting and sweet. He didn't want to upset her, but the name coming out of his sweet mouth made Eden's heart beat rapidly. 

"He was a disgusting man who manipulated me" Eden quietly replied, bringing her knees to her face against the car seat as she watched the trees flash by them. Jacob brought one hand onto her knee as he kept the other on the wheel. 

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