t e n

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m y lungs will fill
and then deflate they
fill with fire, exhale

m y lungs will filland then deflate theyfill with fire, exhaledesire

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E D E N WAS IN BELLA'S ROOM WITH THE HUMAN HERSELF and Jacob. The idea that her own cousin was going to expose himself to humans in order to die was something that's never crossed her mind. She knew the vampire was always broody and dramatic, but not to this extent- to the point he would expose himself to the Volturi because his human lover 'died'. Edward and Eden used to be close when they were younger, before they knew the existence of supernatural beings. Wherever Edward went, Eden followed.

That ended once Edward became a vampire and Eden discovered what she was, they were suddenly strangers. Despite them barely even acknowledging each other's existence- excluding the times Edward would repeatedly message Eden on how Bella was, and the time he participated in Eden being locked up... the were-coyote still deeply cared for him. Memories of him protecting her from her own parents when they were younger would never leave, especially the sense of security that came with it. 

Bella was shoving clothes into a bag, and Eden was doing the same. She had a few clean clothes from the multiple nights she stayed over Bella's house. Jacob was standing in front of the door with a scowl on his face as he watched the two girls. Eden didn't want to acknowledge his existence, it shouldn't matter if she was protecting Bella. They should still be together and help each other grow, not put their relationship on hold until things cool down. It just didn't make sense to her. She let out a huff as she grabbed a sweater, recognising it as one of Jacob's rare sweaters. The man never has a shirt on, always walking around shirtless. Today was one of Jacob's rare days in which he actually wore one, a plain back short sleeve shirt.

"Why do you have to go?" Jacob questioned, finally speaking to Eden after their intimate moment. He had his arms crossed and the scowl was still on his face; he was brooding. This made Eden want to laugh at how he was acting but she didn't dare to.

"He won't believe Alice. He has to see that Bella is alive and I'll be there to make sure nothing goes wrong" Eden replied as she continued to pack, not facing him. Her hands were twitching, desperately to feel his warmth but she didn't dare to listen to what her body was telling her.

"He left Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Jacob began to say before looking at Bella with a frown, reminding her of a fact that's been haunting her. Eden rolled her eyes, the man might be very attractive and caring at times but he was stupid, and didn't know how to read the room.

"But I still love him, and I'm not going to let him kill himself out of guilt." Bella replied with a frown.

"What about your dad?"

"I'm eighteen, legally free to go. I'll leave a note." Bella rushed out as she continued to pack but stopped once Alice entered the room.

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