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I was filled with poison
but blessed with beauty and


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I T HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE EDEN HAD MET BELLA AND THEY HAVE BECOME FAST FRIENDS. Eden never had a friend who wasn't somehow related to her or has betrayed her and caged her, but surprisingly the human being Eden was forced to watch over has now wormed in her cold heart.

Bella never ended up going to Jacob's house that one time she agreed for Eden to join her but, she hit up Eden who was binge watching a show called The Vampire Diaries, and asked her if she wanted to go visit Jacob, who was apparently ignoring Bella. This significantly interested Eden, a teenage boy who was up Bella's ass is now ignoring her? Very interesting.

Unfortunately as she sat in the red old truck while Bella drove towards the reserve, Eden quickly realised it wasn't as interesting as she originally thought. The boy was just ignoring Bella for no apparent reason. Eden was bored and curious; a bored and curious Eden doesn't think about consequences. She wanted to learn more about Bella and Edward , and how they met, maybe even the reason he left so suddenly. Edward  never revealed why they left even though it's probably an important factor as to why Eden is protecting Bella. Rosalie and the others hardly told Eden anything and if she did question Edward threatened to throw her back into that place. It hurt, knowing her cousin that she once trusted with her life would rather her be caged then out in the open. She knows before they caged her, she didn't have much control but over the years, she would've thought by now they know she's learnt how to.

" How did you meet Edward?" Eden bluntly questioned, getting straight into the point. To Eden, Bella is just someone who- despite being her close friend, is someone who will easily die anytime soon. She;s human, a fragile being who according to Jasper, smells amazing.

"O-oh, uh through school. I grew too curious and discovered your family's secret." Bella stuttered and paused, wincing. Her brown eyes getting teary because she misses Edward. Alice has informed her about the months that went by where Bella was basically a zombie, she's actually still going through but Eden hopes she's helped her.

Eden looked at Bella awkwardly and patted her on the shoulder, "There, there." she muttered. Eden has nearly forgotten about human emotions, she's only felt anger, sadness and hunger in the years she was caged in. Only when she was released a few weeks ago has she started to experience other emotions, and she still doesn't know how to comfort. That's something her and Bella have in common.

"He was also intrigued by me, uh he couldn't really read my mind for some reason and I was, I guess intrigued by him too." Bella quietly said as she drove her red truck. Her eyes were teary and she was biting her lips. Eden felt extremely awkward, no one in the Cullen's had prepared her for this. Becoming friends with a fragile human and comforting her over her relationship with her cousin also wasn't warranted.

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