e i g h t

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You're pushing and pulling
me down to you
but i don't know what
i want

E D E N  WOKE UP ON BELLA'S BED, she yawned and turned around to check on Bella only to see tears streaming down on her porcelain face

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E D E N WOKE UP ON BELLA'S BED, she yawned and turned around to check on Bella only to see tears streaming down on her porcelain face. Eden didn't know how to make her feel better. Edward leaving has broken her, and Eden thought she was helping with his disappearance but now she doesn't thinks she made much impact. Eden lifted her hand to reach Bella's hair but the human groaned when she noticed and shook her head, wiping her tears away. She got up from the bed, and didn't face Eden.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Eden asked worriedly, she got up and followed her. Bella, now to her is part of her pack- even though Bella is human. Eden felt like she had to take care of her.

"I had a bad dream," The human hiccuped, before continuing, "I need to- to forget. I can't it anymore, Eden. I just can't" she cried out, her voice filled with pain before launching herself to Eden's arms, who quickly hugged her. She whispered sweet words until the girl calmed down.

"D-do you mind if we see Jacob?" Bella stuttered before pausing as she pulled away from the hug. "I know he's your, uh soulmate, but I just need to distract myself" she explained. Her teary eyes made Eden soften, the girl was going through a heartbreak and it seemed as though Jacob was the source of distracting her. Eden didn't mind.

"It's okay, we can go see him." Eden said, smiling softly at Bella. The two soon changed their clothes and prepared themselves. Eden brushed her teeth and her hair. She's gotten the hang of this. Back when she was caged, Alice or Rosalie would come down a few days a week and help her freshen up. Then it was back to the chains. During those days she became cruel and heartless from the anger and pain the Cullens had brought upon her. At times she still experiences the anger and need for revenge, but their missing presence that's been replaced by Bella has helped her. She's realised now that she just wants to be free, and not controlled.

. . .

The two arrived to Emily's house, leaving Jacob's moments before when nobody answered the door. Bella knocked on the door, rain falling around them heavily, it was a rainy day for once in La Push and Eden smiled, she liked the cold. It gave her a sense of security and comfort.

"Bella," Emily said surprised once she opened the door and laid her eyes on Eden with a smile. " and Eden. Are you okay? Is she okay?" she said, aiming the last question to Eden with a worried look. The were-coyote wasn't sure if she should lie or tell the truth. But she was sure Bella wouldn't like her going around and telling people how she felt, so instead she bobbed her head up and down, giving Emily a soft smile.

"I'm okay, I just- is Jacob here? He wasn't at his house.." Bella queried before trailing off once Sam appeared behind Emily, wrapping an arm around her..

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